Devon’s brows are drawn. “Good morning, Lacy.” He holds out a hand to Brett. “Devon Earnest.”
Brett returns the firm handshake. “Brett Pauson, Lacy’s boyfriend. I’m just here for moral support.”
I’m trembling. My boyfriend. For how long? He had to introduce himself as someone, though. And the look on his face is odd.
Rick shakes Brett’s hand next, introducing himself. “Richard Heart. Call me Rick.” He nods over his shoulder. “Let’s sit in the conference room.”
Both men are stoic as they usher us into the big room with the giant oval table.
I’m shaking as I take a seat.
“What’s going on, Lacy?” Devon asks. “Your text was vague. You look distressed.”
I’m glad for the confused looks on their faces that indicate to me they most likely have not seen naked photos of me recently. I sit up straight, set my elbows on the table, and wring my hands together. After taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. “As you know, my father passed a few weeks ago.”
They both nod. “You didn’t go home at the time,” Rick points out. “Is there a problem with his estate or something?”
I nod. “Sort of. He was a lawyer, and his partner is the executor of the will. I haven’t seen the will, but presumably, I’m the named beneficiary, and his partner and son have been pressuring me to come to Indiana to deal with it.”
“So, you need some time off?” Devon asks.
I shake my head. “Not exactly. Not for that. Or, I don’t know, really.” I’m rambling. “They’re blackmailing me.”
Both my bosses lift their brows high and glance at Brett.
Brett sets his hand on my back in support.
I look down at my lap, suddenly unable to continue. I’m humiliated beyond belief. My voice is stuck. I can’t do this.
“Would you like me to tell them, Lacy?” Brett asks gently.
I give a slight nod. I don’t know what he’ll say, but I trust him to be as discreet as possible.
“The Rutherfords apparently put a PI on Lacy, who has been following her for days taking pictures of her. Of us together, too. The pictures are extremely personal and embarrassing.”
“Jesus,” Devon says.
Rick looks fit to kill when I glance up. His hands are fisted on the table. “And you think they’re going to send them to us.”
I nod. I can’t breathe.
Brett slides his hand down my arm to my hands at the table and covers them both in his one. “Lacy has done nothing wrong. Most of the photos were taken through the windows of my home. Private moments she would not wish other people to see.”
Both men nod, brows furrowed. They look furious.
Devon speaks next. “As a precaution, I’ll have all mail sent to my office for the time being to avoid the possibility of anyone else intercepting it and inadvertently opening the photos.”
Brett responds. “They were left in my mailbox yesterday in a manilla envelope. About a dozen eight-by-tens. I can’t guarantee that’s how they might come to you, but perhaps similarly.”
Rick nods. “We’ll be on the lookout.” He shifts his attention to me. “We will not look at them. You have my word.”
A slow relieved breath finally eases out of me. “Thank you,” I murmur.
Rick looks at Brett and then his partner and back at Brett. It feels like they are communicating something silently between them.
Brett nods.
I’m confused.