I narrow my gaze. Is this a trick? When I turn to look at Brett, he sighs and backs away several feet from my car. I glare at him, forcing him to back up farther until he’s in the driveway.
Finally, I pop the locks.
Eve jumps in as fast as she can, and I relock the car. I’m not fucking facing Brett yet. Mostly because if he touches me, I’ll cave, and I’m not ready to cave.
Eve twists her body sideways to face me. “I’m so sorry, hon.”
“Is there anyone alive who doesn’t know?” I spit out.
She draws in a breath. “I’m sure it feels like a lot of people know, but keep in mind none of them care. All of the men at Black Blade Protection are Daddies. I haven’t seen the pictures firsthand. I doubt any of them have, except maybe Blade. Brett won’t even show them to Colt.”
That makes me feel marginally better, except she’s right. None of those people, including her, would find anything very interesting about the pictures of me playing or dressed in Little attire. I could do without the pictures of Brett eating me out, but they don’t show my vagina. That’s something, right?
Eve reaches for my hand and squeezes it. “I know Brett feels awful about this. He’s kicking himself. I could hear him screaming through the phone when he called Colt before you got home from work.”
“It’s not his fault,” I murmur as I tug my hand free of hers and wring mine together in my lap.
“Not directly, but he did leave the blinds open while you were Little in the house.”
I shift my gaze to her. “He couldn’t have known someone would be sitting somewhere with a long-range camera, shooting pictures through the fucking windows.” I frown. “It doesn’t even matter. What matters is that I shouldn’t have let myself get lured into a kinky lifestyle. It was too risky. And now, I’m going to pay the price big time.”
“I don’t think it will be as bad as you think,” she murmurs.
I shake my head. “Those assholes are going to send the pics to Earnest and Heart if they haven’t already. I don’t even want to face my bosses again in my life. I’ll have to resign and never go back. How the fuck would I explain away my fucking kink?” I’m shouting. I’m sure Brett and Blade can hear me. Colt is probably out there, too. And Davis. Let’s not forget Davis.
“First of all, you’re entitled to your kink. Everyone is. It’s a harmless fetish that millions of people practice to some degree or another. If someone held a lens to the windows of every house in America, they would catch photos of far more damaging practices than age play. I bet two times more houses have crosses and spanking benches and all manner of restraints and leather and bondage and whips and canes. I’d rather have pics of me flashed on a Megatron wearing a cute dress and using a sippy cup than naked with welts all over my boobs.”
I draw in a breath. “I’m not sure. At least most people are aware of BDSM practices that are more mainstream. Half the fucking country has seen that graphic movie with the red room. They’d probably be less likely to judge their neighbor for getting spanked over a bench with leather cuff restraints than playing with dolls.” I groan.
“Maybe, but they aren’t going to find out.”
“Devon and Rick are,” I shout, referring to Mr. Earnest and Mr. Heart, our bosses.
“Talk to them. Send them a text right now. Ask them to meet you in the morning. I’m sure they go into the office most Saturdays anyway.”
I shake my head. “I can’t do that. I can’t face them.”
“I bet it won’t be a big deal, and you’ll feel better having alerted them before they get the pictures.”
“How do we know they haven’t gotten them already? Maybe they’re crafting my letter of resignation as we speak.”
“I don’t think that’s likely, Lacy. I don’t think they’ll judge you as harshly as you’re judging yourself.”
I rub my temples and shout, “In one of the pictures, I’m splayed out fucking naked, clearly in the throes of an orgasm with Brett’s face between my legs.” I don’t even care that my voice rises with every word. I shudder at the memory of seeing that photo.
Eve shrugs. “Anyone who sees that would be jealous. It’s just sex, Lacy. People have sex. Some people are lucky enough to have great sex. You’re not going to get fired for having consensual sex with your boyfriend and enjoying it in the privacy of your home.”
She’s right. But the age play…
I shudder again. I don’t need my bosses seeing me on my knees playing with dolls. I can’t think of anything more humiliating.
“I bet the Rutherfords sent you the pictures as a threat. They haven’t released them to anyone else yet. So, get on top of it. Intercept them. Go meet with Devon and Rick first thing in the morning. Explain what’s coming. Ask them not to open the envelope. I bet they’ll comply with your wishes.”
I stare at her face. It might work. They are good men. Kind and fair and decent. The best bosses I could ever imagine having. I could do that. Try to intercept. And explain myself somehow.
“Send a text now,” Eve urges. She grabs my purse from the floorboard under her feet and pulls my phone out.