I’m not thinking clearly at all. My rational self has fled the planet. I don’t even care. I need space. I need to change.
I remove my blouse and skirt, drop them on the floor, and pull out a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. I sit on the fucking floor to put on tennis shoes before I open the door and step back into the bedroom.
I’m kind of surprised Brett didn’t follow me into the closet. He is in the bedroom, though. He’s pacing. “Lacy, please slow down. We need to talk.”
“There’s nothing to say. I don’t even need to see the fucking letter.” My voice is high and cracking as I stomp past him, heading for the bathroom. “I know what it says. It says if I don’t come to fucking Indiana and do God only knows what, they’ll send those pictures to my bosses at Earnest and Heart. I’m only an accountant, not a rocket scientist, but I’m smart enough to know what they’re threatening.”
I find my toiletry bag under the sink and start filling it with random things that make no sense. I’m not sure why I’m even bothering. Who cares? I don’t need anything. I’ll just leave.
I turn and launch the bag against the far wall. Something breaks. I don’t even care. I turn to leave the bathroom. “Get out of my way, Brett.”
He steps back, his jaw tightening. “Please. Lacy, I can’t let you leave here if that’s what you’re thinking.”
I spin around. “You don’t have a choice, Brett. This was the biggest mistake of my entire life. I worked so hard to climb the ladder at my amazing job, and now, it’s all going to blow up in my face no matter what I do. All because I thought I could sit around playing with dolls and having tea parties instead of facing my fucking problems. I’m a fool and an idiot. I should’ve known my father would haunt me from his fucking grave. He was an asshole when he was alive, and he’s still an asshole.”
I stomp out of the room and run down the stairs. My purse is still on the island. I snatch it up and open it, fiddling around, looking for my keys.
Brett catches up with me. He blocks the door to the garage. “I can’t let you leave, Lacy. You’ll get in an accident.”
“Not your choice, Brett. Move.” I finally find the keys and palm them. I have to get out of here. I can’t breathe.
“If you want to go somewhere, I’ll take you myself.”
I shake my head. “No. You’re missing the point.” I jerk my finger toward the windows. “Someone is fucking watching me. They’re watching you, too.”
“They’re not out there anymore, Lacy, I promise.”
“How can you know that?”
“Because Blade, Colt, Davis, and two other men arrived in minutes and scoured the entire area. Whoever it is got what they wanted, left the pics, and took off. I’m sure the Rutherfords paid them. They did their job. They’re long gone.”
“You can’t know that,” I shout. I even stomp my foot. “It doesn’t matter anyway. My fucking life is ruined.” My voice keeps rising. “Ruined,” I scream.
“Please, Lacy, let me help. I know you’re angry. I’m fucking furious, too. But let me help you.”
“Help me how? You want to come to my office with me and meet with my bosses to tell them about our perverted, kinky behavior?”
“It’s not perverted, Lacy. It’s a lifestyle preference. We’re not hurting a soul. It’s no one’s business but our own how we like to live our lives behind closed doors.”
“Ha.” I lean into him. “Apparently, it wasn’t so secret, and it’s not the least bit private anymore, is it?”
He rubs a hand over his head, probably because he knows I’m right.
I draw in a deep breath, trying to calm down. “Let me go, Brett,” I say in a much less crazy tone. “I want to go back to my apartment. I need some space to think and figure out what the fuck to do next.”
“I want to help, Lacy.”
“Help? You’ve already helped. You helped me find a side of myself I didn’t know existed, and you helped me learn that no matter what I do, my past is going to chase me down until I fucking give in.”
“Don’t let them win, Little lamb. Please.” He takes a step closer.
I dodge him and race for the door, pulling it open and running for my car before he can catch me.
However, he doesn’t try to catch me. He lets me go. He follows me into the garage, but he doesn’t touch me.
I jump into my car, shut and lock the door, and try to get the keys into the ignition with shaky fingers. It’s impossible. I end up dropping them on the floor.
A strange popping noise makes me look out the window. Brett is standing next to my car. The garage door is down. I push the button on my visor to open it, but nothing happens.