I clamp my lips shut. That sounded ridiculous.
He pats my hip. “You’re adorable, Lacy.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“It’s a great thing. And it’s okay if the line blurs between your Little and your adult. We’ll have to adjust and figure out what works best for you. Everyone is different.”
I squeeze my thighs closed. It’s surely weird that my inner Little self gets aroused in front of him.
Holding my gaze, he eases one hand around my back so his fingers graze the edge of my breast.
My breath hitches, and I sit up taller. My cheeks heat all over again.
He doesn’t look away as he moves his hand farther until he’s cupping my breast, his thumb flicking over my nipple.
I gasp, and a shudder makes my entire body tremble. My nipple is rock hard.
He continues to stroke it. “This is okay, too, Lacy. Do not worry about what arouses you. There’s nothing wrong with craving or enjoying my touch, no matter what your headspace is.”
I can’t move. I can’t breathe. I kind of want him to take my shirt off, but I’m too embarrassed to ask or do it myself. My usual bold, outspoken self is not here. She stays at the office. Like Eve?
Hell, she’s not even real. She’s a fake persona I use in public.
He eases his hand away from my breast. “You have too much on your plate right now to add sex to the equation, Little lamb. We’re going to table that for now. I just wanted you to know your feelings are valid.”
He’s left me with an ache in my tummy I haven’t felt in forever. Or never. Not like this. Sometimes, when reading a sexy novel, I’ve felt aroused enough to care to touch myself, but a man hasn’t done this to me.
Among the million thoughts and questions running through my head, one stands out. “That’s why you wanted to spank me.”
He smiles. “Yes. We’ll experiment with spanking. Most Little girls like it. Some do not. Some prefer other types of discipline.”
“Discipline? Like when I rolled my eyes at you?”
“Yep. Daddies have rules. When Little girls break them, they get punished.”
I shudder. Part of me is horrified, though my sex is throbbing at the thought.
“Don’t panic. You’ll learn that most of the time Little girls get into trouble on purpose because they enjoy being punished.”
My eyes pop wide. “Why would I enjoy being punished?”
“It’s a common aspect of age play. Some Little girls are even brats. They intentionally misbehave often so they can get spanked or flogged or put in timeout.”
“Timeout?” My voice is incredulous. “You can’t put me in timeout, Brett. I’m not really a child.”
He chuckles. “I can, and I suspect I will.” His voice deepens. “When you’re naughty.”
My face heats again. My panties are soaked even without me having a clear idea of what he intends to do to me.
“Can I show you something?” he asks.
I glance up at him. “What is it?”
“Something fun. I promise.” He grins at me and scoots toward the edge of the bed. After setting me on my feet, he stands and takes my hand.
I’m apprehensive, to say the least, but I let him lead me out of the room and down the hall. I haven’t seen inside any of the other rooms, and he stops outside the last door on the right. It’s closed.
He turns to me. “Ready?”