Page 17 of Impressing Brett

“I don’t want to get you messed up in my problems, Brett.”

“You’re not getting me messed up in anything, Little lamb. I’m volunteering. Because I care about you.” I urge her closer with my palm on her back until her forehead is close to mine. “You’ve been shouldering all this alone for two weeks, haven’t you?”

She nods.

“Well, that’s over. You need someone in your court to help you deal with it. That’s going to be me.” I’m not asking.

She chews on her bottom lip. “Why?” A tear slides down next.

I swipe it away. “Because I want to.” I draw in a breath. What is she ready to hear? Not what I’m ready to say. Because you’re mine. I need to tone it down. Besides, I can’t know for sure she’s actually Little just because she’s submitted to me for a few hours. I’m getting ahead of myself.

“I’ve managed on my own for ten years, Brett.” Her spine stiffens, and she sits taller, drawing back several inches.

“And I’m certain you are capable, but that’s a lonely way to live, Little lamb. No one is an island. We all need help from time to time. You need someone you can trust to lean on. Someone who will help you figure this out and hold you when you cry. I’d like to be that someone if you’ll let me.”

“You hardly know me,” she murmurs.

“I know you plenty well, and I suspect since you’ve always thought I used up all the oxygen in a room, you must be attracted to me.” I offer a smile.

She groans. “I’ll never live that down.”

“Nope. My head will forever be a size larger because of it. I might not fit through doorways any longer.”

She rolls her eyes.

“Oh, Little lamb, did you roll your eyes again?”

Her breath hitches, and she stares at me with those wide green eyes. “You say that like you intend to spank me like the hero in some sappy romance novel.”

I lift both brows.

She fucking squirms.

My heart is pounding. “Does the idea sound tempting, Little lamb?”

She looks down at her lap, threads her fingers together, and shrugs. “I don’t know.”

“You know, plenty of people like to be spanked. It’s not uncommon. It relieves them of anxiety and stress.” I rub her back and lean closer. “It can also cause a strong sexual response.”

Her breath hitches again. It’s so fucking sexy. I feel like I’m running when I should be walking. This is happening so fast, but her reactions to every single thing are so damn perfect.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Little lamb.”

She licks her pretty lips. “No one has ever spanked me or even mentioned such an idea before.”

“Have you ever dated a Dom, Lacy?”

She shudders and meets my gaze. “No. I don’t think so.”

I chuckle. “I’m pretty sure you would know. Unless the guy was just pretending to be a Dominant.”

“Are you saying you’re a Dom?” she asks, her voice crackling.

“Yes.” I don’t need to tell her I’m specifically a Daddy Dom yet. Baby steps in this race.

She chews her lip again for a moment and releases it. “Do you want to spank me?”

“Very much so. How does that make you feel?”