I try not to wince. I’d give my right nut for her to call me Daddy about now, but she’s not ready for that, and also, I might need my right nut.
“Just eat what you can, Little lamb.” I run a hand down her hair from the top of her head, and I’m certain she squirms as soon as I turn around to fill another plate. Winning.
“Is everything intended for guests in your house pink?” she asks as I take a seat next to her with a ceramic plate.
“Yep. Mostly.”
“What if you have a male guest?” she asks.
I shrug. “I guess they’d have to sleep in a pink room and use a pink toothbrush.” I reach over and tap her nose playfully. “Remember, I didn’t choose this stuff.”
“Right. Eve did. And who else? Britney?”
“Yep. Among others.” I’m not sure who all she knows.
“Mmm.” She takes a bite, chews, and swallows. “That’s so good.” She picks up a piece of bacon next. “I guess ordinary scrambled eggs taste better if someone else cooks them.”
I gasp dramatically and put my hand over my chest. “Ordinary?”
She giggles and rolls her eyes.
I take the opportunity to tuck a finger under her chin and meet her gaze at close range. “Did you just roll your eyes at me, naughty girl.”
Those deep green pools of liquid emerald go wide, and her mouth drops open before she slowly smiles. “Yep. Whatcha gonna do about it?”
Fuck. Me.
Her response is so unexpected that I’m speechless. It takes me a few seconds to recover and come up with a response. “Do it again and find out.”
Another giggle escapes as she bats my hand away from her chin and takes another bite of eggs. She stares at me while she chews. Is she thinking? Wondering? I’m giving her so much to ponder.
We’re in this vast gray area again this morning. A place we can only teeter for so long before I lay down my cards. A place I never expected to be with Lacy—let alone at the speed of light.
I reach for the syrup. “Can I pour you some syrup?”
She glances at me and then at her pancakes. She’s deliberating. I know it. She’s not used to being Daddied. It’s probably confusing the fuck out of her. I know her reactions are. “Yes, please,” she whispers.
My cock is far too fucking hard as I tip the bottle up and drizzle syrup onto her pancakes. “Tell me when.”
She lets me go far too long before she giggles again and holds up a hand. “Would you have poured the entire bottle if I’d let you?”
“Maybe.” I point at her plate. “You don’t have to eat that just because you called my bluff. Would you like a fresh plate, Little lamb?”
She shakes her head. “No way. I’m going to eat it just like this.” She digs in, cuts off a bite, swirls it through the swimming syrup, and pops it in her mouth. “Mmmm.”
I chuckle. “Stubborn Little girl.” As soon as the words come out of my mouth, I wince inwardly. Shit.
But Lacy either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care. She keeps eating. She eats everything on her plate except the leftover river of syrup before drinking the rest of her juice. “I can’t believe I ate all that.”
I lift a brow. I finished before her. I’ve been sipping my coffee and watching her with my heart hammering. “Do you feel better?”
She shrugs. “I’ll probably fall asleep by ten o’clock. No way could I eat like that and go to work.” She winces. “Speaking of which, I should probably call my bosses.”
“Eve already spoke to them. They’ll understand. No hurry.”
At that moment, her phone buzzes in her purse again.
I glance in that direction. “Oh, you’ve gotten quite a few messages this morning. I didn’t want to wake you, so I just ignored them.”