Page 81 of Jolt's Vengeance


He's talking about Siren.

Paulie continues, his words rushing out now. "Serpent said he's gonna come back for her. Said he knew she was getting married, but that wouldn't stop him. He wants to use her like his... his 'little fucked up blood doll.'"

The room goes deadly silent.

I clench my fists, fighting the urge to put them through the nearest wall.

Widow yanks another spider off Paulie, crushing it with vicious force. “Fucker say anything else?”

"He was gonna get Sera, put her head on a platter, and deliver it to her mother."

Dixon's voice cuts through the tension. "No one will ever touch the women or children in our club and get away with it, period."

I nod in agreement, my jaw clenched so tight it hurts.

We protect our own, always.

Accidents and slip ups happen, but not because we allow it.

Paulie's head bobs frantically. "I figured as much, knowin' what I do about you all now," he says. "But Serpent, he's a disgusting fucker. He doesn't care who he hurts, as long as he gets what he wants."

A cold smile spreads across Paulie's face, and for a moment, I see a glimpse of the man who could set fire to our businesswithout remorse. "That's why I was burning down the car wash," he admits. "To distract you guys."

My mind races.

A distraction?

From what?

What the hell is Serpent planning?

I glance at Widow, seeing my own anger and concern mirrored in his eyes.

This isn't just about the club anymore.

This is personal.

And we're going to make damn sure Serpent never gets anywhere near Sera, Siren—or any of our people—ever again.

Damon's eyes narrow, his voice a low growl as he cocks an eyebrow. "A distraction? Or sending a message?"

I watch Paulie's face intently, searching for any sign of deception.

Sweat beads on his forehead, mingling with the blood from where the barbed hooks pierce his skin.

He flinches as another spider skitters across his chest.

"No, no," Paulie insists, his voice cracking. "Serpent wanted to distract you guys, I swear. But I can't... I can't remember why. He said it was important, but..."

Widow steps forward, his massive frame looming over Paulie.

I've known Widow for years now, seen him break men twice his size, but the cold calculation in his eyes right now sends a chill down my spine.

Widow’s voice is deceptively calm. "Maybe remembering might get me to take off another fuckin' spider."

I watch Paulie's eyes go wide with panic.