Widow's eyes narrow slightly, but he doesn't push it.
Instead, he jerks his head toward our captive. "What do you think? He giving us the straight shit?"
I take a moment to really look at the man hanging before us.
His face is a mess of tears, snot, and blood.
His body shakes uncontrollably, and his eyes dart around the room like a cornered animal.
Every instinct tells me he's spilled everything he knows.
"Yeah," I say finally. "I think he's tapped out. Doubt he knows much more than what he's told us."
Widow nods, seemingly satisfied with my assessment. "All right then. Let's see if you’re right."
The tension is thick enough to cut with a knife when a strangled whimper breaks the silence. "You told me the other day you couldn’t stand spiders, so I need to know you’re not lyin’ to me, Paulie. It’s not personal. You got me?"
"Please," he gasps, his voice raw and desperate. "I'll tell you everything I know. Just... please don’t do what I think you’re gonna!"
Widow grabs a box, and puts a glove on his right hand.
He grabs spider after spider and Paulie screams, thrashing against the hooks, which only cause him to scream even more.
I watch as a particularly large arachnid skitters across his sweat-slicked forehead, causing another terrified moan from him.
It's a gruesome sight, but I can't look away.
Widow steps forward, his face an impassive mask. "Okay, let's start with something easy. What’s your name."
His eyes dart frantically between us. "P-Paulie. My name's Paulie, b-but you know that!"
"Yes, I do," Widow says, his tone deceptively casual. "Why don't you tell us about your relationship with the Kodiak MC?"
Paulie shakes his head, wincing as the movement causes the hooks to dig deeper. "I'm not... I'm not part of their club. They just pay me to do odd jobs sometimes. That's all, I swear!"
I can't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for the guy, despite everything.
I keep my voice level. "Why'd you take the job?"
Paulie's eyes meet mine, and I see a glimmer of desperation there. "It's how I keep the lights on, man. How I feed my kids. I got two little girls at home, and another baby on the way. I... I had to do something."
Widow nods slowly, his expression softening. "I understand a man needing to provide for his family, Paulie. But there are much better ways than setting fires for rival MCs."
I watch Paulie closely, trying to gauge his sincerity.
His fear seems genuine enough, but in our world, you can never be too careful.
Still, the mention of his kids tugs at something inside me.
I think of Aggie, of the future I want to build with her, and I can't help but wonder if I'd do any differently in Paulie's shoes.
"Tell us more about these jobs," I prod, pushing aside my conflicting emotions. "What exactly did the Kodiaks have you doing?"
Paulie opens his mouth to respond, but before he can get a word out, he lets out a blood-curdling scream.
One of the larger spiders has made its way to his neck, and in his panic, Paulie thrashes violently against his hooks.
The sight is enough to turn my stomach.