He at least has the decency to look ashamed. "I was just jealous, okay? I really like you, Aggie."
God, why did I ever agree to this?
"Look," I say, forcing my voice to steady, "I'm not interested. Not in you, not in this whole... whatever this is. Just go back to your party and find some hammered girl who gives into your antics."
Trevor's face darkens. "Is this because of that biker? You into bad boys or something?"
The accusation stings, mostly because there's a kernel of truth to it.
But I'm not about to let him know that.
"This is because of me," I say firmly. "I make my own choices, Trevor. And right now, I'm choosing to walk away."
And I leave him, walking back to the sorority house, ready to be done with this night.
As a matter of fact, I fish out my phone and shoot a text to Sienna and Leah:
Going back to the house. I’m thinking wine, popcorn, and chick flicks!
The desert sun beats down on my neck as I shift in the folding chair, scanning the crowd for a familiar face.
I tug at my collar, already feeling sweat beading under my crisp white shirt.
Why the fuck did we have to wear dress shirts today?
All of us are going to end up fucking roasting out here!
My leather cut weighs heavy on my shoulders, adding to the insane amounts of sweat on my body.
The air shimmers with heat, distorting the rows of white seats stretching out before me.
A light breeze carries the scent of sage and dust, mingling with the perfume of dozens of wedding guests who have arrived, but I don’t care about them.
There’s only one person I’m waiting for.
My eyes dart to the aisle again, searching.
Where the hell is she?
I check my phone for what feels like the hundredth time.
No new messages from Aggie.
I'd been too chicken shit to actually ask if she was coming, but our texts over the past few days had me hopeful.
A flash of red catches my eye and my heart does a little stutter-step.
There she is, weaving between chairs with that effortless grace of hers.
Christ, she looks good.
The dress hugs every curve, showing just enough skin to make my mouth go dry.
Her wild curls are pinned up, a few wisps framing her face.