Page 28 of Jolt's Vengeance

The skin-tight denim jeans I've poured myself into hug every curve, and the spaghetti strap top I've chosen leaves little to the imagination.

It's different from what I’d normally wear to the clubhouse, but college life is turning me into my own woman.

Now I have to throw together outfits that say I’m a sorority sister, and a badass bitch.

I’m pretty sure this does the trick.

"Aggie!" a familiar voice calls out.

I turn to see Sienna, my sorority sister and roommate, weaving her way through the crowd.

Her eyes are wide, taking in the scene around us. "This is... intense."

I laugh, throwing an arm around her shoulders. "I knew you might think so, it’s why I brought you along with me. Bit different from our sorority mixers, aye?"

Sienna's gaze lingers on a group of patched members, their leather cuts adorned with the Reapers Rejects MC logo.

"You can say that again," she murmurs.

I feel a twinge of... something.



"It's not always like this," I find myself saying. "Just wait till ye see it on a normal day. It's... well, it's home."

Sienna nods, but I can see the questions in her eyes.

I know she's curious about my past, about the life I left behind in Montana.

But those are stories for another time.

"Come on," I say, steering her toward the bar. "Let's get ye a drink. Ye'll need it to keep up with this lot."

As we make our way across the room, I can feel eyes on me.

Some curious, some appreciative, some wary.

I stand a little taller, chin up, shoulders back.

I might be in college now, but I'm still the daughter of Montana’s Sgt. at Arms, and no amount of sorority life is going to change that.

"So," Sienna says as we reach the bar, "this isreallyhow you grew up?"

I pause, considering my words carefully. "Aye, more or less. Though things were a bit different back in Montana. This lot..." I gesture around us, "they're family too, but in a different way."

Sienna nods, her eyes still roaming the room.

I can see the questions forming, the curiosity building.

But before she can ask anything else, a familiar figure approaches us—Siren.

"Aggie, it's good to see you again," she says, her voice carrying a hint of the Bronx.

Her gaze shifts to Sienna, curious but not unwelcoming. "Who do you have here?"

I feel a surge of pride as I introduce my friend. "This is Sienna, my roommate and sorority sister."