Despite my reservations about coming tonight, there's something comforting about being surrounded by familiar faces.
"So, college girl," Kat says, linking her arm through mine and leading me toward the bar. "Tell us everything. How's Las Vegas treating you?"
I let out a small laugh, falling into step beside her. "It's... different," I admit. "Lots of lights, lots of noise. Not quite like Montana."
Ivy chuckles, falling into step on my other side. "I bet. But you're studying something exciting, right? What was it again?"
"Cybersecurity," I reply, unable to keep the pride out of my voice. "With a minor in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence."
Kat lets out a low whistle. "Impressive. Sounds like you're keeping busy."
I nod, grateful for the easy conversation. "Aye, it keeps me on my toes. How about you two? How's everything here?"
As Kat launches into a story about her daughter Aurora's latest antics, my mind wanders.
I’m so caught off guard by Jack being here tonight.
"Aggie?" Kat's voice pulls me back to the present. "You okay, hon? You look like you've seen a ghost."
I force a smile, pushing down the anxiety bubbling in my chest. "Sorry, just got lost in thought for a second. What were ye saying about Aurora?"
Kat eyes me suspiciously but continues her story.
As she talks, I can't help but scan the room, my gaze landing on familiar faces.
Everyone seems so relaxed, so at ease.
Could things really be that bad if everyone is so relaxed?
"Earth to Aggie," Ivy says, nudging me gently. "You sure you're all right?"
I take a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering unease. "Aye, I'm fine. Just... it's a lot to take in. I’m gettin’ used to college, how much studying I have to do, the social life requirements. You know."
Ivy nods sympathetically. "I bet. But hey, you're family. This is your home too, remember that."
I clear my throat, pushing some of my aside. "Thank you both, I really appreciate that. So, Aurora’s turning two soon, right?" I direct my question to Kat.
Kat laughs, the sound warm and rich. "Oh yes. She's a handful who’s in her terrible twos. Just like her daddy."
Ivy giggles. “I’d say Damon’s been stuck in his terrible twos for twenty years.”
Both of the ladies laugh hard, and I join in.
"Enough about us," Ivy chimes in, her dark eyes sparkling with curiosity. "How's college treating you? We want all the juicy details."
I feel a flutter of pride in my chest. "It's really good so far. I'm loving it, actually. The classes are challenging, but in the best way."
Ivy whistles low. "Impressive. Sounds like you're keeping busy."
I'm about to respond when I feel a pair of strong hands grab my shoulders from behind, shaking me playfully.
"Well, well, well," Cobra's gravelly voice booms. "You gonna be our hacker, hmm? Do some dirty deeds for the club?"
My heart races, but I keep my voice steady. "I'd do anything for the damn club, and you know that."
The words come out stronger than I expect, but it’s true.
I would do absolutely anything for the club.