I lean back, running a hand through my hair as I gather my thoughts. "It's... complicated. She's not like anyone I've ever met before, bro. Smart as hell, stubborn as a mule, and she takes exactly zero of my bullshit."
Vader chuckles,, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sounds like just what you need."
"Yeah, maybe," I admit, surprising myself with how easily the words come. "She challenges me, you know? Makes me want to be... I dunno, better or some shit."
Vader nods, his expression softening slightly. "That's good, little brother. Real good."
I find myself lost in thought, memories of Aggie flashing through my mind.
She’s the best damn thing that’s ever happened to me.
"You love her."
It's not a question.
I meet Vader's gaze, feeling suddenly exposed. "I... yeah. Yeah, I do."
The admission hangs in the air.
I don’t think I’ve ever loved a woman before.
Have I felt something for them, sure, but it doesn’t even compare to the way I feel for Aggie.
Vader studies me for a long moment before speaking again.
"You know what having an ol’ lady really means, right?"
I nod, my jaw clenching. "It means I protect her. No matter what."
"With your life," Vader adds, his tone deadly serious. "You ready for that kind of responsibility?"
The question hits me like a punch to the gut.
Am I ready?
Can I really offer Aggie the kind of security she deserves, given the life I've chosen?
Doubts swirl in my mind, but beneath them all, I feel certain.
"I am," I say firmly. "She's worth it. All of it."
Vader's expression relaxes into a smile. "Good. 'Cause let me tell you, little brother, finding a woman who can handle our lifestyle? That's rare as hell. It doesn’t hurt her father’s in the club either. Means she’s as strong as they come. You hold onto her tight."
I nod, feeling a swell of pride at my brother's approval. "Trust me, I plan to."
"So," Vader leans in conspiratorially, "you two gettin' busy yet or what?"
I burst out laughing, shoving him playfully. "Seriously? That's where you're going with this?"
He shrugs, unrepentant. "Hey, I'm just lookin' out for my baby bro. Gotta make sure you're... performin' adequately."
"Jesus Christ," I groan, covering my face with my hands. "I'm not having this conversation with you."
"Aw, come on," Vader teases. "You can tell your big brother. She rock your world or what?"
I peek through my fingers, seeing the mischievous glint in his eye.
Two can play at that game.