Here I am, a few years in, and I'm still scrubbing floors, polishing bikes, and pouring drinks.
I'm not complaining. This is the life I chose, and I'll be damned if I don't see it through.
The creak of the front door jolts me from my musings.
I look up to see Shiver sauntering in, his face set in hard lines.
Something's eating at him, that much is clear.
"Hey brother," I call out, forcing a grin. "What brings you in at this ungodly hour?"
Shiver doesn't answer right away.
He slides onto a barstool, his muscular frame dwarfing the seat.
His eyes, usually dancing with mischief, are clouded over.
"Whiskey," he grunts. "Straight."
I nod, reaching for the good stuff.
If Shiver's in this kind of mood, he deserves the top shelf.
The amber liquid splashes into the glass, and I slide it over without a word.
Shiver downs half of it in one go, barely wincing at the burn.
I watch him carefully, noting the tension in his shoulders, the tight set of his jaw.
Whatever's on his mind, it's not good.
"You all right, man?" I venture, keeping my tone light.
No need to poke the bear if he's not in a sharing mood.
Shiver's eyes flick up to mine, a hint of his usual humor sparking to life. "Just peachy. Why the fuck you bein’ this nosy?"
I hold up my hands in mock surrender. "Hey, bartender's privilege. Gotta make sure my patrons are happy, right?"
That gets a chuckle out of him, albeit a small one. "Your patrons, huh? Big words for a guy on bitch duty."
"What can I say? I aim high." I grab a glass and start polishing it, more for something to do with my hands than any real need. "Seriously though, you look like you're carryin’ the weight of the world on those shoulders."
Shiver sighs, running a hand through his hair. "It's nothin', Jolt. Just... club shit."
I nod, understanding all too well.
There's always something brewing in our world, some crisis or conflict that needs handling.
Though, Shiver’s a prospect too, so I’m surprised he even knows the details.
"Anything I can help with?" I offer, knowing full well the answer will be no.
As expected, Shiver shakes his head. "Nah, man. You just keep pourin' drinks for me tonight and we’ll be square."
"Bet. But you need me to do anything for ya and I will. Well, maybe not anythin’."
That gets a genuine laugh out of Shiver, his face relaxing for the first time since he walked in. "Christ, Jolt. You never quit, do you?"