He had hoped hisfascination with her would die. Yet, Leah continued to make him curious. Shenever argued with him about the outfits he chose for her. Some of them werequite revealing, but he loved her body and had no problem looking at her. Shewas stunning.
Full curves. Large tits, asmall waist, but hips big enough for a man to hold onto. In the few jeans helet her wear, he saw how juicy her thighs were, and they were designed to bewrapped around a man’s waist.
And she also never orderedthe freaking salad, which to him was bloody wonderful. The women who orderedthe salad with minus the dressing, meat, and what made a salad a salad, drovehim nuts.
“Are you having atantrum?” he asked.
She got to her feet andglared at him. “I’m not a child and I don’t appreciate being spoken to like Iam one. I’m going home.”
Cain sat back with asmirk. “If you leave this zone, I will kill you. You are to do exactly as Isay, remember?”
There was no fear in hereyes, but a challenge. He wouldn’t kill her. There would be absolutely no funin that. Besides, he also happened to like her, so killing her was off thecards. She didn’t need to know that.
Leah looked toward thedoor, and he saw she was tempted. He had come to learn that she didn’t have adeath wish. She wanted to live. It was a shock because her life had beenincredibly shitty and boring before he came into her world. He imagined once heleft, it would be exactly the same.
“You don’t scare me.”
“Good,” Cain said. “Havinga simpering doormat in my company would do me no favors. Sit.”
He saw her hands clench ather sides, and he waited. Part of him expected her to rebel, but she did shockhim by taking a seat, although unwillingly.
“You and I are alwaysgoing to disagree on Danny.”
“The man should be lockedup.”
“And I agree with you, butif you want to feed into that ego of his, sending him to prison is the rightway to go. He’s my son. He bears my name, which means he is protected. Danny inprison would be a bigger problem than him outside. Out here, I can lock him up.I can isolate him. I can make his life a fucking misery. On the inside, therewould be nothing he couldn’t have. His life would be easy with no repercussionsfor what he had done. Trust me, I know.”
“You’ve been to prison?”she asked.
Cain stared at her. Therewas no reason to answer. He’d done time, many years ago, and while inside, helearned from the best. He discovered what it took to become the top man, andfrom the moment he left, this was what he’d been determined to achieve, and nowhe has. There was no way he would let it go, not even for his son.
“So, how about some food?You better eat. When we get home, I’m not cooking anything.”
“In case you haveforgotten, I can fend for myself.”
“Yeah, but it’s late, andI also know when you witness me taking care of business, it tends to destroyyour appetite. So, let’s feed you before you end up starving to death.”
Leah smirked. “Trust me,there is no chance of that happening.”
He looked up and shestared right back at him. “Is this a joke about your weight?” he asked. If itwas, it would be the first moment of insecurity he’d seen her possess.
“No. I’m happy with theshape I am. I don’t care what others think of me.” She leaned forward. “Trustme, I know what starving looks like, and when you’ve been forced to go withoutfood, and your stomach is cramping and hurts so damn bad, but the best you cangive it is whatever little saliva you create, you don’t forget that experience.I know I didn’t, and any moment you can have food, you do. I’ll have thechicken burger with the spicy fries, and make that extra cheese as well.”
He smiled and then noddedtoward the waiter, ordering for both of them. He went with the beef burger anda double helping of cheesy fries. They were his favorite, and tomorrow morninghe’d be hitting the gym to make sure he worked them off. He also liked forcingLeah to sit and watch him. She rarely did, but there were times he caughtglimpses of her staring at him. She could try and pretend her attraction wasn’tthere, but he knew it was bullshit.
Leah didn’t want to admitit, but she wanted him. He also very much wanted her. There would be a time andplace for it, and it certainly wasn’t tonight.
“Would you like to go andplay?” he asked.
“Nah, I don’t get my rocksoff losing money. I know you have these games rigged.”
He laughed. “Only some ofthem, otherwise, that wouldn’t be fair.”
She sighed and turnedtoward him. “You have enough to make sure the people that come here getaddicted?”
“No, I haven’t changed thegame, Leah, I never did.”
“What would you say you’vedone then?” she asked.