Page 35 of Fool Me Once

“Ah, you see, this is thething, I’ve been watching her do her job, and all she does is wear the clothesyou ask her to wear, and accompany you wherever you want to go. She has becomea deterrent for women.”

“See, she is doing herjob.”

Frank tutted. “No, I thinkit is more than that, and you know it as well.”

“What I know is that I’vegot work to do. If this is where you’re about to tell me you quit, I don’taccept it.”

“I’m not quitting and youcan run from the truth all you want. It’s not going to change the facts.”

Cain took another sip ofhis coffee, because it was delicious. He was happier knowing Frank had nointention of quitting, because he didn’t want to have to find another chef, nordid he want to survive on takeout. Leah could cook, but he liked having her athis side every chance he could get.

“You’re in love withLeah,” Frank said.

“Friend or not, I canstill kill you.”

This brought a chucklefrom Frank. “You could do that if you wanted to, but I don’t know why youwould.”

“I didn’t know we hadentered the territory of talking about our feelings. When did that happen?”Cain asked.

“Simple. When you foundthe love of my life, and when the love of your life beat the crap out of yourson and entered yours.”

Cain stared at Frank. “Becareful.”

“Why? Because it’s thetruth, and the truth scares you?”

“Love is a weakness.”

“So you see Leah as weak?”Frank asked.

Cain finished his coffee.“I think it is time for me to go.”

“There’s nothing wrongwith being happy,” Frank said. “Leah told me that. I know she’s young, and thatprobably terrifies you, but she loves you. I have a feeling that woman woulddie for you.” Frank laughed. “I know she hates when women flirt with you. Itdrives her fucking crazy.”

He had every intention ofstanding up and leaving, but now as he listened to Frank talk about Leah, hejust couldn’t resist and he found himself siting his ass right back down in hischair and looking at his friend.

“Ah, I have gained yourattention.”

“If this is justbullshit—”

“It’s not, and when didyou become so cynical?”

“Look around you. Theworld makes sure you know how it works. I’m not here to make friends withanyone.” He had no doubt the world was only happy to fuck with everyone. Theywere all handed their cards at birth, and expected to play them out.

“But knowing Leah is inlove with you matters, doesn’t it?” Frank asked.

“She’s too young to knowwhat love is.”

Frank laughed. “You’rewrong, and stop being a dick and fighting it. In case you haven’t looked in themirror lately, you and I are not getting any younger, and I can promise you,the last twenty years of my life have been miserable without Cameron.”

“And you’ve spent themclose to me, so I must make your life miserable,” Cain said.

“Sometimes you do. You’rea pain in the ass.”

He blew his friend a kiss.

“But it doesn’t mean youhave to be alone. I know who you are, I know what you are, and I know whatyou’re capable of doing.”

“Your point?” Cain asked.