Page 25 of Fool Me Once

Leah looked at him, andCain nodded. He saw the sparkle in the woman’s eyes. There was no way that wasgoing to change.

Cameron was still in lovewith Frank, and he had a feeling Frank was probably still in love with Cameron.


“You do realize I don’thave time for this,” Frank said.

Leah grabbed his hand andmarched him down the city street. “I didn’t realize how difficult you couldbe.”

“Mr. Knox has given me alot to do.”

“He has done nothing ofthe sort. He gave you time off, and you decided to come in on your day off.Now, you and I are going to this café, and we’re going to have a nice coffeeand possibly a cinnamon bun!”

She thought Cain was apain in the ass, but Frank was so damn stubborn. Cain had already told her thecafé had a successful opening. There was a line outside the door. It was herjob to get Frank to the café, so Cain could then help with the introductions.

She couldn’t believe hewas finally agreeing to help her.

Leah didn’t even know whyshe had insisted on doing this. Frank was a good guy, and he deserved to findall the love and happiness he wanted. She wasn’t even a romantic. She knew howshitty life could be.

Stepping into the café,she saw it was still busy, and this was a good thing. She had been in touchwith Cameron, and they made the arrangements for her to finally meet Frank. Shespotted Cain at one of the tables. He was already drinking a mug of coffee, andshe saw their orders were there. Leah nudged Frank into the chair oppositeCain.

“Sir,” Frank said.

“Frank,” Cain said.

She didn’t know how thetwo of these men even became friends.

Frank sat down and reachedfor his coffee. “Coffee, black, no sugar?”

“Just the way you likeit.”

Frank nodded his head.

Leah rolled her eyes andsat down. Her hot chocolate was waiting for her, and she took a sip. It wasdelicious. She hoped Cameron’s café continued to thrive. The woman was so sweetand kind. She deserved it.

“Where’s the cinnamonbun?” Leah asked.

As if like magic, that waswhen Cameron appeared. She carried a tray, and there was a smile to her lips.Leah saw how nervous the other woman was. There was a slight shake to her asshe approached their table. Leah watched the two of them, and the look inFrank’s eyes. She knew she had done the right thing.

“Cameron,” Frank said.

She was pretty sure sheheard the longing in his voice.


Cain grabbed their bakedgoods from the tray, and he placed hers in front of her. She offered him asmile, but she was more interested in the love that was happening right beforeher eyes. They were both so happy. The moment the tray was empty, Frank took itfrom her, and Leah watched as he cupped Cameron’s face and then kissed her,hard.

She watched them, and allthe time, she was aware of Cain close to her. What was he thinking? Did seeingthe two of them make him think of them?

It was insane. There wasnothem. They had one disastrous moment with each other, and it wasnever going to happen again.

“Where are my manners?”Frank said, and turned toward them.

Cain held his hand up.“You don’t need to. We already know who she is and what she means to you.”

“You did this?” Frankasked.

“No, Leah did this. Ithought it was a bad idea, and I still think it is a bad idea. This is notgoing to get you out of doing your job,” Cain said. “I still expect you to cookfor me.”