Something isn't right here. Yes, losing a museum exhibit would cause distress, but notthismuch. The curator certainly isn't reacting in the same way about the missing pocket watch.
"I'm going straight to the police station to report Kai Sawyer… the lot of you! I have the blackmail note, you know," he continues, voice rising.
I clear my throat and capture his eyes with mine. "Mr. Wright," I say softly. "Return to the museum. You were never here."
"Violet," says Rowan in a hushed tone as the man looks at me, unblinking.
"What? We need the curator to forget he met us or saw Kai and Dale." I look back at the man. "You have a lot to organize tonight, and you're positive that Violet Blackwood will bring you the mole soon. You never left the building."
"Can you get into his memories?" whispers Rowan."
Quick. Leave," I say to the man. "Didn't you see kids loitering outside the museum earlier? They could be back to steal more exhibits."
I tap my lips as the alarmed curator heads away with an addled brain, and moments later a car door slams. "I had no time to search his memories. I'll find out why the curator holds such concern about the mole disappearing as soon as I discover where the mole's eyes are."
Headlights beam across the car park, and I step back into the dark as the curator's car passes. Within seconds, I'm alerted by scuffling behind me. I turn to where Leif approaches, half-dragging Kai behind him.
"This guy watches too many movies," Leif says, shoving the disheveled kid towards me. "Thought he could escape through a bathroom window."
"Good grief," I mutter then step forward. "We're not the people you should be running from. Where are the eyes? I'd like to inspect them."
"How should I bloody know?" says Kai. "I'm as pissed as you that they're missing. How can we give the thing back to the museum if it's damaged?"
"Judging by the curator's behavior, and Dale 'losing' the eyes, there's something about this mole we're unaware of."Although things are tying together in my mind. Almost."Find Dale and hope that he has them. If he doesn't tell the truth, someone might get hurt," I say. Kai steps back. "Not by me!"
Kai looks between us and in the direction that Dale escaped, and Leif clears his throat. "It's pointless trying to run, mate. You know Violet would track you down."
"And within seconds."
Kai mumbles something, tells us to follow, and strides towards the entrance to the car park.
Along with recent thefts,somebody at the museum hid gems, some magical, and now the curator appears overly panicked about the mole's disappearance. There's a Redridge connection. No doubt.
This case isn't clear cut, and if there's one thing I've learned, I should've expected trouble—as do others when involved in Violet Blackwood's investigations.
Kai contacts Dale and invites him to join us "or else", and I message Grayson to meet us all at Kai's place. Once we reach Kai's ostentatious home on the outskirts of town, we walk around to the detached part of the house that the Sawyer's spoiled only child occupies.
Dale hides in the shadows outside, but I clearly see the individual in the dark and glare at him as Kai ushers us into his home. Kai's lounge smells unpleasantly like unwashed male teens and pizza, the room filled with expensive furniture including a black leather recliner facing a monstrous TV and game controllers on the rug beside it.
I remain standing as Dale walks in, perspiring and glancing between the sofa and window as if he might vault out rather than sit down.
"The curator was the person at the visitor center," I inform them.
Dale sits. "What?"
"You're fools. Didn't you consider that the person you blackmailed may attempt to apprehend you?" I continue.
Kai exchanges a furtive look with Dale. "The guy can't prove anything! I wasn't with you, and Dale ran."
Leif snorts. "Yes, you were well-hidden, but Mr. Wright figured out who you are."
Dale blows air into his cheeks. "He can't know for sure. Only if word gets out that we're the ones who have Marvin."
Why do they insist on keeping the manikin's ridiculous name?
"I promise wordwillget out if you don't co-operate."