"Speakto. When did you arrange the meet up? We're returning the box today."
I look between my three guys, resting my gaze on Rowan last. "I'm nottellingyou all to come."
Grayson glances at Rowan, whose energy became decidedly frosty. "No plans without discussing first, Violet."
"I've had no response from the man," I say crossly. "If I did, I'd bring up the situation for discussion."
"Discussion or instructions?" asks Rowan tersely.
A silence follows, and none of the guys speak, which I take advantage of. "Thank you for your work on the photos. I'm glad we have somewhere to look and someone to lookinto."
"No going anywhere alone, Violet," warns Grayson.
"As if," I retort. "Leif?" He looks up from where he's studying—and I swear laughing—at the mole's Instagram pictures. "Talk to Pippa and ask to see her research on the town founders. We can compare to whatever the curator tells us."
"Why me?"
I tuck my phone away. "Because she's one of several girls who have an apparent fascination with your person, and she avoids me. In fact, I've seen her change direction when walking towards me."
"She's not the only one who does that, Violet," says Rowan, and I slice him a look.
"But I barely speak to Pippa usually," says Leif. "She avoidsmetoo."
"Pippa has a crush on you," says Grayson. "And knows you're with Violet, which is why she avoids talking to you."
"Good point," I say, looking between Rowan and an open-mouthed Leif. "Rowan, you speak to them. None of the girls in her group have any attraction to you, therefore they won't worry about repercussions from a jealous girlfriend."
"I'm just not hot enough, huh?" asks Rowan.
"Most of those particular girls prefer to date individuals who're physically superior over those intellectually talented," I reply. "You're intelligent."
"Wow," he mutters. "Good thing you like physically inferior guys, Violet."
Leif clears his throat and gives me a stern look. Oh, good grief. Rowan always takes comments like this the wrong way. "You're not inferior, merely average compared to some."
Grayson chokes a laugh.
"Right." Rowan stands and closes his laptop. "Glad we cleared that up."
"Violet," whispers Leif and inclines his head at Rowan who's now focused on bagging his laptop. "Choose better words."
I catch his hand as he zips the bag. "Rowan. I apologize. I was unaware that your position on the scale of physical desirability amongst your vapid peers bothers you that much. I'm merely pointing out a comparison between male teens in general, notexpressing a preference. I'm perfectly satisfied with all your attributes. Those are partially what endear me to you and also the reason I share your bed on occasion."
Silence descends, and Rowan's lips remain thin. "Your explanations never quite make up for the insults," he says eventually.
Grayson claps Rowan on the shoulder and chuckles. "Mate, aren't you listening? Violet says you satisfy her."
"That's not quite what I—" But I stop myself. I'm slowly learning why people get tetchy with my plain speaking, and I dislike it when this upsets any of the guys. If Grayson twisting my words helps, so be it.
They're a mystery I'm unlikely to untangle, understand, or solve soon.
Fewer peoplethan usual sit in the cafe frequented by the local teenagers. Most are at school and not taking unauthorized time out in the pretense of furthering a history assignment.