Page 17 of Dead and Gone

Leif's throaty laughter draws attention from the table of girls beside us. "Offer to find his mole? In return for what? Lifetime free museum entry? Unlimited stationary supply?"

"My, you're both in humorous moods today," I say.

"Violet Blackwood is considering wasting her skills on locating a stuffed animal for a man who doesn't like her.That'shumorous," he replies.

I sip the coffee again. "There's a possible connection between the mole, the watch, and the magical rubies. If I find the mole, I may find answers. Iwouldlike to find the watch too, but we've less chance of that since we've no idea what the watch looks like or who has the item. One of the local teens has the mole. Track them down. You can find who, Holly."

Holly's eyes bug. "Excuse me but I'm still pissed that you excluded me from the last investigation. Why expect my help now?"

"Because you're my friend?" I suggest. "And you're skilled in social niceties. Peoplelikeyou."

She crosses her arms. "So?"

"If you do, I'll complete all your tasks for the group project and you can take the time as free periods," I inform her. "You'll be able to spend the time in town indulging in an activity you'd prefer."

Holly sighs. "Fine."

I stand. "And Holly, if you discover a lead, I'll fund any activities that involve investigating the mole's whereabouts."

"Hey," protests Leif. "You don't pay me or the other guys."

"Is spending time in my company not payment enough?" I keep my face straight while Leif frowns as he tries to figure out if I'm serious. Admittedly, once over, I would've believed my comment. "We're a team, Leif," I add. “And I understand my company may not always be the easiest.”

"I was teasing." He pauses. "But feel free to throw some cash my way too."

"There's a party. You could—" begins Holly.

"Stop. Name one social occasion I've involved myself in thatdidn'tend badly." She wrinkles her nose. "Precisely. If you do go to any social gatherings, please keep an eye out for Marvin."

"Yeah, I bet Marvin would enjoy a good party." Leif chuckles.

Holly isn't aware of everything we've discovered, including our museum heist, and I intend to keep things that way. Holly's our human on the ground and a bloodhound for rumor. However, if anything dangerously supernatural becomes apparent, we must steer Holly clear.


Although I've recently begun attendinglessons, I'd rather not numb my mind in history class. That mind could be put to much better use investigating my latest puzzle.

I'm unfamiliar with most other students in the classroom this afternoon, and History is one of the few lessons that includes all three races who attend the academy, and I position myself among my friends.

"The thieves were careful about choosing random locations to take Marvin," whispers Leif, one eye on the history teacher. "We've studied the photos, and every location is public with no hint of a person in the frame."

I huff. "Holly? Any information."

She chews on her pen, shaking her head as she listens to the students presenting their historical findings. "Kai and his friends were at the museum, but as all of the Sixth Form kids visited, it's hard to tell who took the mole. Nobody at the academy claims to know anything."

"Quiet! Show some respect to your fellow students and listen as they share their research,” barks Mr. Argyle.

I glance up at the middle-aged witch and the girls positioned at the front of the high-ceilinged classroom, and I smile sweetly.

We're not the only ones disconnected from the lesson. Sitting beside Leif, Rowan furtively looks through the Instagram photos he downloaded to his laptop in order to enhance and examine them further. The guy has lightning reflexes that rival any vampire's if he needs to switch between open tabs, but I'm sure the teacher will notice his lack of attention on class activities soon.

Grayson isn't here. No surprises there. The vamp tends to pick and choose which lessons he attends and doesn't care about the trouble that lands him in. I did the same until I vowed to become part of Thornwood to immerse myself in the world I'd spent my life avoiding. How else am I to learn absolutely everything I can about the academy and residents—and monitor suspicious behavior?

"Do continue, Pippa," says Mr. Argyle as he turns to the students at the front of the classroom.

The round-cheeked human girl whispers to the slender witch girl beside her, who then leans across to hit buttons on a laptop. The first girl's shoulders relax when an image appears on the screen above.

"We're investigating the town's founding families—where they originally came from, their occupations, and how the witches in the area dealt with the invasion," she says in a meek voice.