Page 8 of Dead and Gone

"And how do you know supes invaded your museum?"

"They messed with the security cameras, and the alarm never sent an alert," he says.

I side-glance Rowan. "Why automatically presume supes? Could've been the kids who stole the mole."

A snort of laughter comes from the entrance to the room, where Leif stands with Holly and Grayson.

"I doubt they had the intelligence, and no gum involved," says the curator. "Nobody has access to the keys apart from me so how did the individual open the cabinets?"

"Lock picking?" suggests Holly from the doorway.


This man really is prejudiced against our races.

"Anything missing?" asks Rowan.

"They took a pocket watch."

"A pocket watch?" I subtly poke at his mind for confirmation, wary because this is a man who'd certainly report me for illegal mind-reading.

He's telling the truth.

"Who did the watch belong to?" I ask. "I note that local families donated most of the items. Perhaps a family member retrieved the watch?"

"The family would've asked," he retorts. "They can take back their donations anytime."

I snatch the name from his mind again: Redridge.

Stolen mole. Stolen pocket watch. Both donated by the Redridges.Coincidence?

He looks over his spectacles. "The watch wasn't valuable—the item doesn't even work—but the museum held the exhibit for years."

"Why would somebody decide to steal a watch worth nothing?" asks Rowan. He doesn't add what we're both thinking:unless the watch is magical.

"How should I know?" he replies, a smidgen too forcefully.

"Do you have a photo?" Rowan asks the curator.

"I reported the incident to the police, and they noted the missing property." He scowls. "Along with the mole theft, which caused great amusement."

"But the police have no leads?" I ask.

Leif mumbles, "Like they'd waste time on looking for them."

The curator's face reddens. "This museum lost half of the exhibits from the supernaturals 're-acquiring' them. If people continue to steal from my museum, I'll have nothing to display."

"Perhaps invest in a more effective security system?" I suggest.

"I intend to, once the museum raises funds for the upgrade."

"How?" puts in Grayson.


"How are you raising funds, besides the extortionate entry fee?"

"The museum accepts donations. The same way most museums raise funds."