If the stalker is a witch and he believes that Corrie tricked him into buying beads, he'll be pissed when he discovers Corrie doesn't have the real eyes.
For her sake, I hope she hasn't spent the money.
Corrie liveson a street of detached homes in a newer estate, where almost every driveway contains a prestige model of car parked beside a family minivan. I marvel at how clean the sidewalks are compared to the town and how each home's greenery is neatly tended rather than growing wildly. I'm also happy that Kai's sporty hatchback is very much in keeping with the environment and offers us some camouflage.
Kai and Dale sit in the front, while I'm between Rowan and Leif in the rear seats. Grayson took the faster route from Kai's—across the fields at his supernatural speed—so he could scout around before we arrived.
"Which is Corrie's house?" I ask. Dale points at one with white wood around the Tudor-style windows, where rectangular hedgerows border the empty driveway. "Do the family not own cars?"
"Her dad works in the city on weekdays and stays. Corrie's mum's car isn't parked because she attends Pilates on Mondays."
"Pilates? How would you know her mother's social calendar?"
"Um. Because that's when me and Corrie have our few hours alone time in her house." He rubs the back of his neck. "Y'know?"
"No, I do not know."
"In herbedroom, Violet," says Leif.
"Oh. And is Corrie's bedroom at the front or rear of the property as there're no lights switched on." I point.
"Her window's above the shed," puts in Kai. "Useful if Dale needs a swift exit through the window."
"Swift exit? Wouldn't the front or back door offer a swifter route and hold less chance of injury?" I ask.
"In case Corrie's mum returns and Dale doesn't want her to see him sneaking from Corrie's room," says Rowan with a sigh. "Come on. This isn't relevant."
"Oh. Like boys in Holly's shows—how bizarre people do that in reality. Why not hide in the closet as people often do in such scenarios?"
"Have you ever injured yourself, Dale? Suffered a splinter from the shed?"
"You're right, Kai," he mumbles to his friend. "She's crazy." He looks at me. "The shed is metal."
"Have you ever dented it?" I suggest, my curiosity continuing. "You're rather large."
"Again, Violet, irrelevant," Rowan says. "A girl's life could be in danger!"
"Did Corrie reply to your message?" asks Leif, and Dale shakes his head.
"Very well. I shall take Rowan to gain entry to the home, and you shall remain in the car," I inform the occupants.
"Wouldn't Corrie be more likely to letmeinside?" asks Dale.
"I won't expose both of you to the possibility there's a witch in the house." I nod at the phone. "Send Corrie another message. Tell her you're coming over to visit because you're worried."
"I already did that."
"Then send another. Tell Corrie you're almost at her house."
Dale does as instructed, and I tap my fingers on the back of his seat while I await a response.
"Here." He turns the phone to me.