We split up to watch the homes of the teens. Rowan and I watch Corrie's house—in case she really does have a mysterious stalker—but nobody loiters around her street this evening apart from us. Nobody followedustonight; perhaps the figure in the graveyardwasa coincidence.
No. Nothing is ever a coincidence.
Grayson, who's watching Kai's house, sends a message when Kai drives away early evening. And Leif, who's watching Dale's house, confirms the car arrives there.
The human pair leave together shortly afterwards and drive away from town. I suspected this would happen. If Kai joins Dale, they can split the cash. Good grief. Ihaddecided Kai's recent troubles increased his common sense, but seems he shares his father's desire to make money from any possible situation.
The four of us have since rendezvoused at the place indicated in the ransom note. A smattering of vehicles remain in the visitor center's unlit car park overnight, including a small van marked with the town council symbols parked beside a large metal sign depicting a map of the local area.
The single-story building acts as a focal point for the tourists who—for reasons I can't fathom—visit the town and then tramp around the countryside. The town's crime rate hasn't discouraged visitors yet, but I'm sure a human will spy an opportunity to milk the murderous reputation of the area for financial gain. Perhaps a 'murder walk' to visit the sites since humans seem to enjoy walking, and some also share my love for the macabre.
They like to spook themselves—mylove of all things deathly comes from the darkness inside me that delights in dead energy. Recently, I've been avoiding the dead more, but the fascination was born into me and will never leave.
"Do they honestly believe the blackmail will work?" retorts Leif.
"Morons," says Grayson.
"Grayson—wait in the trees by the road. You can intervene if something happens to them on the way here or warn us if you see anybody else approach."
"I'd rather stay near you, Violet."
"I've Rowan, and you're the quickest and best at hiding."
"Atstalking," puts in Rowan. Grayson glares.
"We'll wait over there until they reach the building." I point to the low wall opposite the visitor center. "Leif can watch the other entrance into the car park. The person threatening the teens may enter that way in order to accost them."
Rowan sighs. "Violet, you're always filled with far too much glee when faced with a possible murderous situation."
"Mygleecomes from coming close to a result for this investigation."
Grayson hesitates before blurring into the dim, his figure barely visible as he heads to the trees that edge the car park. Despite his reluctance sometimes, Grayson's vampire skill at climbing, along with his agility in pursuing and catching people, make him an invaluable team member.
I pull at Rowan's sleeve, and we both crouch behind the wall that faces the side of the building with a view of the box.
Minutes later, Kai and Dale appear. The two blackmailing fools slink from the trees and into the carpark, leaving the cover of night to dart towards the visitor center. They're dressed for the part, scarves obscuring their faces, clothes shapeless and black.
"Can you sense anyone else?" whispers Rowan, and I shake my head.
Curiously, the pair stop halfway, and a minor argument breaks out between them. Kai grabs Dale's backpack, pulls out a mole-shaped object, and waves it in his face.
Well, that's subtle.
"What the hell are they doing?" asks Rowan.
"I'm that little bit too far away to hear," I grumble.
We've placed an envelope stuffed with torn sheets of paper into the wooden box, hiding it beneath the free maps available for tourists, and the two guys head towards that spot.
"I still can't believe they're going ahead with this," says Rowan.
Kai and Dale edge around the building until they're out of sight, and I shift positions to watch their progress towards the box attached to the wall. Kai looks around while Dale opens the lid and pulls something out.
The envelope.
I'd fully expected one of them to study the contents then discover the trick, and then we'd step out to confront the guys, but Kai immediately shoves the envelope into his jacket pocket.
Dale doesnotdrop the creature into the box.