Taking the brochure from the desk, I unfold it and stare at the contents: a brief guide to the museum, including unprofessional-looking photos of apparent notable exhibits.Fewexhibits.
"No wonder your museum isn't a hive of activity," I say, placing the brochure back down. "And that's extortion."
"All proceeds go towards the upkeep of the building and preservation of exhibits," he says stiffly. "Those that weren'tstolenfrom us by witches."
Aha. The reason behind the curator's awful customer service towards Thornwood students. "Stolen exhibits? Do you mean magical artifacts retrieved by the supernatural council?"
"Items that were part of themuseumcollection for many years," he retorts. "Before you lot suddenly appeared, created your own government, and think you can steal anything you want. It's not right."
So, definitely not a witch—or a fan of the new world created when vampires, shifters, and witches revealed they'd lived amongst humans for centuries. A number of other humans share his opinions, but generally for more pertinent reasons than losing museum exhibits.
"The council didn't steal. They merely removed artifacts that should be kept safe from magic users who've ill intent. Ones who would do more thanstealfrom you."
His jaw hardens. "Supernatural kids don't come here."
"Then you are excluding a lot of prospective clientele," I say.
"I don't exclude them. They don't come here," he repeats.
"No. They have better things to spend their money on," mutters Holly beneath her breath. She side glances at me. "You'll pay for this."
I frown. Does Holly mean financially or otherwise? I donot wantto owe Holly any more 'favors.'
"And cash only," says the curator stiffly.
"Nobody uses cash," says Grayson.
"What a shame. You can't pay for entry." The man gives a thin-lipped smile. "Goodbye."
"Good grief," I say. "You behave as if you don't want anybody to set foot in the place."
"Supernatural kids don't come here."
"I am neither deaf nor stupid—I heard you the first time. Perhaps if you expanded on your words, I could deduce whether you're stating a fact or warning us of impending trouble should we stay in the museum."
He gawks at me. "Pardon?"
"She means are we banned because we're supes?" puts in Rowan with a small sigh.
His eyes narrow to slits behind his spectacles. "I have a list, you know."
"As do I. Several. What's on yours?"
"People banned from entering the museum."
"A long list?"
"Long enough."
"For what reasons? Racism or did they damage an exhibit?"
"Violet," whispers Rowan. "Can we just look at what we need to and leave?"
"Do you have cash?" I ask him, and he shakes his head. "Any of you?"
"I do, but not enough for all of us," says Holly.
"Hmm." I eye the curator, who continues to eyeme.