Page 72 of Embrace Me Forever

His shoulders shake with laughter. “Okay, okay,” he concedes, holding his hands up in surrender, keeping his distance. “I’ll get cleaned up first, then let’s regroup in the conference room. It’s that outbuilding over there.”

“Got it.”

As Blake strolls away, he blows kisses back at me, twirling his soaked singlet through the air to prolong the jest. Turning my attention back to the bustling play area, I catch Wyatt’s eye. “Wyatt, could you keep an eye on the kids for a bit?”

“Sure thing,” Wyatt responds. “Clay mentioned you might need a moment for the get-together. Don’t worry, between Raffi, Matty, and me, we’ve got this covered.”

Soon after, Clayton, Isabelle, Blake, and I gather in the conference room, with Rob and Amber joining us via video call from Hartley Marine HQ.

“So, what’s the plan?” Rob asks, his image coming into focus on the screen, Amber seated beside him.

I begin, “We think we’ve got a formula to preempt Bertram’s next move.” I pause, aware that only Blake and I know the full extent of our earlier brainstorming, which ranged from kidnapping Abner Bertram to removing him from the equation entirely.

Sensing my unease, Blake subtly moves closer and reassuringly places his hand on my arm.

I continue, “The straightforward approach would be a direct assault on his stronghold in London.” I glance at Blake, recalling the numerous pleas I’ve made for him not to go. “However, we’ve devised a smarter strategy. Considering insurance is inherently global, even if operations appear local, we can begin our countermove right here from home.”

Rob and Clay sink into contemplation, the room falling silent for a moment.

Breaking the silence, Blake adds, “Clay, you mentioned hints of Bertram attempting to re-enter the US market. This poses a perfect chance to expose them on our turf. I imagine industry giants like IAG and State Farm are watching closely, likely quite on edge. With the current competitive atmosphere, if we can reveal their misconduct from here, the fallout will have global repercussions.”

Clay turns toward Blake. “Whoa, Blake! Maybe private investigating isn’t quite your calling. When did you master the art of economic warfare?”

Blake flashes a sly grin. “It’s all thanks to having a brilliant strategist by my side.”

I give him a quick squeeze on the arm, then turn to the room. “But we can’t pull this off without you, Rob, Clay.”

Rob, who has been listening intently, speaks with resolve. “Bertram might rule the roost in Europe and the Asia Pacific, but this is our domain, and here, we dictate the rules. I have no doubt we can rally the necessary forces not just to challenge them but to crush them at their own game.”

Then, Amber adds her perspective. “Hartley Marine may not be in the insurance game, and our European operations are small compared to here. But we have a strong client base there. People with significant influence. Given the nature of today’s markets, I’m sure they’d be happy to lend a hand.”

Rob looks at his wife with visible pride. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Clay, visibly impressed by Amber’s insight, says with cool eagerness, “Time to give my old friend Neo a shout.”

“Neo?” I inquire, imagining Keanu Reeves dodging bullets in slow motion as green digits rain down.

Blake chuckles at my expression. “He’s not just anyone—he’s actual royalty.”

“Prince Yiannis-Andreas of Greece,” Isabelle adds. “He and Clay are crazy about basketball. That was how they started their friendship.”

“Ah, a real prince? Well-connected then,” I note.

“Extremely, though somewhat of an enigma,” Clay nods. “The family is savvy at shielding themselves. But Neo and I go way back—he’ll be on board.”

Isabelle has her own idea. “With hospitals and health insurance so intertwined, if I pull the right strings, we can engage the industry’s heavyweights.”

Moved by the initiative, Clayton leans over to plant a kiss on Isabelle’s cheek.

Gratitude swelling within me. “Thank you, everyone. Rob, Clay, Isabelle, and Amber.” Beside me, Blake affirms my sentiment, wrapping his arm around me supportively.

Rob, ready to wrap up, grins. “We’ll regroup tomorrow. Until then, enjoy your day off!” He winks playfully. “Unlike some of us,” he adds before ending the call.

“We’ll nab that scoundrel Bertram,” Clay declares to me and Blake with determination. “For now, it’s time for me to make some calls. And contrary to Rob’s jest, I’m actually on the clock!”

Isabelle, Blake, and I step back outside to join the energetic activity of the children at play. As we absorb the lively scene, Blake nudges me. “I can drive you to the store now if you want?”

“Oh, right. I’ve forgotten already!” I say, grateful for the reminder. Then I assure Isabelle. “I’ll be quick, I promise.” An involuntary touch comes to my face, my fingers brushing against the dry patches of my skin. “I just need to pick up some moisturizer,” I add.