Page 51 of Maverick

She raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Fucking you over how?” She sipped from a frosty glass of sweet tea, refusing to meet my gaze for a second. Then she set the glass down, tinkling ice. “He wouldn’t tell me even if he was. Why do you think I can help?”

“Because you’ve got eyes and ears,” I replied, cutting to the chase. “He can’t hide everything from you. Hell, I used to hide shit from you, but you always found out.” I softened my tone.

She took a sharp breath, color rising to her cheeks. “Are you trying to butter me up,Hallow? ‘Cause that dog won’t hunt. I ain’t the same naive girl you once knew.”

I shrugged. “Maybe not. But I trust you more than I trust Kingpin.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Trust me? That’s rich coming from you.”

I kept my temper in check.Focus.“Look, a lot’s changed. I’m not the same either. But I need to know if Kingpin’s spoken to Sky behind my back, or if he’s dealing with Ralph Getty, or if he’s feeding intel to the fucking mob. Because I have a woman, someone I’m trying to protect, and Kingpin’s tied up in the strings somehow. Or he might be.”

Eve’s lips parted in surprise. “Another woman, Hallow?” She shook her head. “You’ve got a type, I guess, picking up strays in trouble. That’s how you ended up with me once upon a time.” She tapped her nails on the tabletop. “So, who is she? What does my ol’ man have to do with her?”

I leaned forward. “Her name’s Lexi. She’s… I’m guarding her, or was. Dirty Diana’s daughter.”

“Lord almighty,” Eve gasped, her accent thickening. “Dirty Diana? She’s the one who up and died at that rally Kingpin was at, right? I heard rumors she was found in a tent. So that’s real?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be real?”

She studied her nails. “I wasn’t there. My husband can be a bit dramatic. He likes to exaggerate sometimes.”

“Yeah, it’s real. She’s dead. I was there. And her daughter’s in danger now, someone’s trying to kill her. Word is it’s connected to the Getty family. Possibly because Lexi’s father might’ve been Alexzander Getty, Ralph’s Uncle.” I exhaled heavily, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice. “And apparently, Sky is involved with Ralph.”

Eve’s expression flickered with something like pity. “You always did have a knack for love triangles and messed-up relationships, Hallow. But… yeah, I know about Sky and that mob boss. Kingpin’s got no shortage of talk about it afterwhat happened before. He’s real sore about that betrayal.” She paused. “So, you’re worried Kingpin’s playing you, or maybe working with them to get rid of the daughter?”

“Or using me as a pawn for some bigger plan.” I spat the words.

“But why?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time. I also wonder if Sky’s pulling strings behind the scenes. Maybe she’s got Kingpin’s ear. Maybe she’s whispering in it. I don’t know. Everything’s so tangled.”

Eve sighed, looking away. “Why aren’t you meeting with him directly? Why me?”

I snorted. “Because I don’t know if I can trust him. Plus, if he’s in bed with the mob, the second I show my face, they’ll know. I can’t risk that. And I sure as shit can’t risk bringing Lexi near them.”

“Well, I can tell you he’s not in bed with the mob, Hallow. That’s ridiculous. As for Sky reaching out to him, using him to get to you…” Her shoulders slumped. She fiddled with the sweet tea again, the ice clinking. “You do realize if Kingpin finds out I met with you, he’d be fit to be tied. He hates any mention of you. Our entire marriage is built on not talking about the past.”

I forced a chuckle. “You sure about that? Because you used to talk about me all the time, from what I heard.” I let the insinuation hang, but she just glared.

“Shut it,” she hissed, scanning the diner to make sure no one overheard. “I only slip up occasionally. And I’m paying for it every time. So keep your voice down, or I’ll walk out.”

I lifted my hands in surrender. “Fine, sorry.”

She sipped her tea, regaining composure. “All right, so what exactly do you want from me, Hallow?”

“Maverick,” I corrected. But she just rolled her eyes. “I need you to do some digging. See if Kingpin has any arrangement with Ralph Getty. Or if Sky’s been talking to him about me or about Lexi. I also want to know if anyone in Texas might be connected to this. Any mention of Grinder working for the Getty’s or being related to them. I need the truth before Lexi ends up dead.”

Eve studied me for a long moment. The overhead lights glinted off her blonde hair. She’s changed, I realized. Gone was the starry-eyed girl who once talked about our future kids and a house in the suburbs. But she didn’t looked hardened, worn down by life with Kingpin like I’d hoped. I knew Eve had what she wanted in Nashville, a budding singing career. Hell, even on the road, I didn’t miss the news of her going on tour with Kingpin’s famous brother. Eve had the life I never wanted to give her. And she looked satisfied. “Are you asking me to commit espionage on my own husband?” she said finally, voice wavering with sarcasm.

“Yes,” I said bluntly. “Or something close to it.”

She released a humorless laugh. “Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. You sure know how to put a woman in a tight spot.” She shook her head, exhaling. “But I guess I owe you something, after everything.”

My chest tightened. “Eve, you don’t owe me a damn thing. You left me for Kingpin, remember? We both fucked up. I’m not here to relive that. I just know you’re the only person who might tell me the truth.”

Her gaze flicked up, surprise etched in her expression. “You’re real serious about this girl, aren’t you?”

“Lexi,” I said her name, tasting it like a prayer. “I might be. If she survives.” The words felt like gravel in my throat. “I think… I think I can love her.”