Eric shook his head with an amused smirk. “That you’d consider brushing up means you’ve got a mind that’s open, which is rare and appreciated. Don’t worry. While my patience is a finite source, given last night I don’t believe it will be a problem in the way it’s been a problem for me in the past.”
He came around the island, brushing close to me as he passed by—close enough for me to smell the lingering hints of his cologne from the night before, and the very specific combination of morning sleep and cooking remnants as he did.Was it an intentional gesture? One to turn my head the way it did so I’d watch him walk away, so I could see that there was no good reason to say no to such a request considering how great he was in bed?
Probably not, but it made me feel better to think so than to admit my head was on a swivel for the man, and it wasn’t just the security of the position he was offering that was making it do so. Part of it was the lingering ache in my thighs and hips and between my legs as I waited for him to return, and part of it was the pleasure of watching his toned back ripple in movement as he disappeared down the hall.
Well, it wasn’t like Dominique hooked me up with him for just a one-time deal. Eric was offering me exactly what I wanted. A stable, reliable arrangement.
Eric returned a short while later, sweats over his hips as opposed to just his boxers, somewhat to my disappointment. In his hands was a set of papers he handed over to me.
“I have a complete outline of all events I have planned for the next six months,” he explained. “Date, locations, times. Level of formality versus casual, and any projected expenses that I would cover on top of your fees, plus a retainer bonus for any invitations I may extend your way.”
The formal way he’d broached the subject of sex almost made me smile, considering I’d shamelessly welcomeanyinvitation he extended my way, regardless of any bonus or fees.
He continued, still in business mode. “There are additional details in there as well, a section where we may negotiate certain things in the bedroom and outside of it, as well as providing each other with a clean bill of health going forward so we don’t have to worry about condoms, if you’re agreeable. There’s also a clause to include you retaining rights to decline sex or any act you’re uncomfortable with, with assurance in writing from myself thatit will not affect your pay or my treatment of you before, during, or afterward.”
I raised a brow in surprise. “You included a consent clause?”
Eric tilted his head as he looked at me. “Of course,” he said, as though the notion that he would not was offensive to him.
“It’s just, usually, I’m the one that brings consent clauses into contracts.” I looked back down at the agreement, flipping through the pages until I found the clause he was referencing. Yep. There it was.
In the case of Miss Greene and her autonomy over her body, she retains exclusive rights to decline any level and type of sexual act with Mister Maxim, with no fear of repercussion to her person, or to her monetary security thus.
A very,veryformal consent clause.
After giving Eric a puzzled if not intrigued look, I sat back down at the table and read over the contract in full. He was a very detailed man, no stone left unturned. It was the most thorough contract I had ever been presented with, and it ensured equal consideration for the both of us within its pages. I would be given time to outline my preferences and limits, things that Eric would accept—within reason, unless it caused him to violate his own personal boundaries.
The contract already detailed the things that Eric absolutely would not budge on—no contacting family, friends, or colleagues I may meet while out with him without permission. No venturing into a specific room down the main hall of his apartment all the way at the end without permission. No taking things from his apartment, car, or other properties without permission.
That line,without permission,popped up rather frequently. So maybe it wasn’t that he refused to budge on personal matters, but that he wished for the courtesy to consider them first.
Interesting. And fair.
“When do you want this signed?” I asked him when I was done perusing the entire document. “And the parts where I should add my own limits and preferences and such?”
“Before the date of the next event,” he said, leaning against the nearby counter and crossing his arms over his bare chest. “So, you have three weeks. I would prefer within a week, as that would mean I would have the time to get you fitted for a dress for the venue.”
That was new. Most of my clients either specified what they wanted me to wear and left me to my own devices or provided a stipend for me to buy something appropriate to the event. That Eric wanted to be hands-on about my attire, so to speak, was yet another surprise about the man.
I looked back through the contract to the timetable of events to see which one he was referring to. The first one scheduled seemed to be a…luncheon?
I glanced up at him with a small frown. “I need to be fitted for a luncheon?”
He smiled. “It’s a special event for an eccentric acquaintance of mine. If you’re agreeing, you’ll be attending a 1920’s themed luncheon for his birthday. He isn’t the sort to do formal occasions, but he does like costume parties. I think this might be the tamest introduction to him. Last year it was a murder-mystery dinner, and the year before that it was an escape room.”
I stared at him, blinking.
“What?” he said.
I shook my head, chuckling to myself. “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to picture the man who wore a bespoke suit and strolled through an art gallery last night doing—an escape room?”
For the first time, Eric had the nerve to look sheepish. “We all have our tiny pleasures and interests in life,” he said with a shrug. “Felix is one of those people whose pleasures and interests err on spending lots of ‘fun money’ to feel a littleyouthful again. I am, possibly regrettably, soft hearted in that way for him.”
Ah, so there was history there.
I hadn’t signed the contract yet, but from what I’d read I was all in. I smiled, giving Eric a little nod. “Well, in that case, I believe you should pencil me in for a dress fitting, Mr. Maxim.”