Page 13 of Forbidden Desires

Hell, would I even be able to sit comfortably in the back of an Uber, I wondered in amusement? I didn’t think so with the way I still throbbed between my legs.

Shockingly, I wanted to stay, and it had nothing to do with money, and everything to do with this enigma of a man who was already starting to get under my skin. A man I wanted to know better—even as I realized how unwise that particular desire was.

“I would love to, Eric.”



Iwoke up the next morning to the scent of bacon, hot, fresh bread, and coffee.

I stirred in the massive bed I was left in, silk sheets knotted and curled around my naked body. The scent of Eric’s cologne and our night of debauchery still clung to the sheets. It made for a wild, wonderful combination, especially given the reminder of how many times we’d fucked was a large part of the reason why my stomach growled so viciously at the scent of breakfast.

Was Eric cooking his own food? Or did he have a live-in chef? Maybe one that came specially when he wanted to show off a gourmet meal for his guests? Guests he, by admission of himself and everyone around him, didn’t have many of.

I rolled around on the bed, getting more tangled in the sheets before I got less untangled and finally managed to free myself from the silk prison that was keeping me from breakfast.

It was when I finally let my feet hit the ground, I realized that this outing had left me without proper pajamas to run around in. Well, it wouldn’t necessarily be the first time that I had done the walk of shame.

Finding my dress from the night before, I slipped it on without the bra and panties, almost making it into a nightie. I winced as I ran my fingers through my hair in a futile attempt to comb the tangles and matted flatness on the one side of my head that I had slept on. Maybe I would look halfway appealing.

The next hurdle would prove to be trekking through Eric’s apartment. I left the bedroom, fairly sure that his place covered the entire top floor of the building. There were numerous rooms, halls, and open spaces that made it feel like it could have been a labyrinth instead of an apartment. There was art everywhere. Paintings. Sculptures. Mirrored art works. It was almost too easy to get distracted by it all.

Almost.There was the scent of breakfast to follow.

And follow it I did. Right through two hallways that we somehow were able to navigate from the front door to his bedroom the night before, and into the massive kitchen where all the magic was happening.

There were skillets and pots on the stoves—stoves, yes, multiple of those damn things—and several plates already set out with various spreads of bread, fruits, bacon, sausage. All of it looked and smelled mouth-watering.

But none of it was anywhere near as mouth-watering as the man who was heading the operation.

Eric stood bare chested and in the black silk boxers that he had worn to bed the night before. He moved around his kitchen like liquid, like he was the master and every tool, utensil, cut of meat, was merely an extension of himself.

I inwardly sighed. Was his beauty just limitless?

Without even looking up at me, he suddenly spoke, startling me.

“Don’t just stand there. Come over and start taking your pick of what I’ve already cooked.” Then, he looked up, a faint, unapologetic smirk on his face. “Sorry for making you sleep in so late.”

I raised a brow as I approached, since he was responsible for completely exhausting me. I plucked a piece of bacon off one of the plates and made a conscious effort not to stare at him too boldly.

“What time is it?” I asked curiously.

“A little after one.”

I promptly choked on the piece of bacon that I had taken. “Oh, shit.”

“Is that a problem?”

I shook my head. “No. No, it’s not that it’s a problem, it’s that I didn’t expect it to be so late. I’m not usually, uh…” I felt my face grow hot with a flush, and I stole another piece of bacon and definitely did not let my eyes settle on how toned his body was.

“You’re not used to being put out of commission after a single night with a stranger?” he teased.

“Well, when you put it that way…” I let myself smile, just a little. “I guess it was a very good experience. You, uh…”Fuck like a beast. Know how to eat pussy like a champ. Have the stamina of a god, despite your age.“You at least didn’t make Dominique bragging about you turn out to be a big fat lie.”

To my surprise, he groaned as he flipped over the pancakes in the skillet he was manning. “She didn’t.”

“She did.” I propped a hip against the counter near him. “Said those who you ended up with tended to leave without complaints.”