Page 60 of Forbidden Desires

When I reached him, we glanced out at our small little congregation, and that’s when we both saw the recognition on his mother’s face, her expression wreathed in pure joy as she watched her son “renew” his wedding vows to his wife. We had no idea how long it would last, but it didn’t matter because that little glimpse was enough for Eric to know that he’d given his mother the priceless gift of watching her son get married.

The vows were short and sweet, the kiss Eric gave me once the minister pronounced us husband and wife one of utter possession.

There was no reception, just a huge cake we’d ordered to make sure everyone in the place could enjoy a slice. We stayed just long enough to cut the cake and enjoy a few bites of our own, then someone played an old Sinatra song and Eric danced with his mother—a poignant moment for him, I could tell—while I did the same with his dad, laughing while trying to avoid his clunky feet.

A few minutes after the song ended, the disorientation set in with his mother, and instead of Eric panicking, he let the aide step in and soothe his parents and usher them back to their rooms.

We took that as our cue to leave, because it did his parents no good to be surrounded by “strangers” when they were in that state of confusion.

“That was beautiful,” Dominique said, as we walked out together toward the cars waiting to take us to separate places. Dominque to the airport to catch a flight home to Coral Gables, and us to our hotel here in New York.

“Thank you for coming,” I said, kissing her cheek as we reached her vehicle. “It meant everything to us.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. It was a pleasure watching Eric finally marry the one woman who brought this bachelor to his knees. Enjoy your honeymoon in Fiji.”

We planned to. That was the new thing about my husband. He’d learned to relax. To take time for himself. To let that control not rule his life like it used to…well, except in the bedroom, where I definitely liked him on the dominant side.

I cuddled up to Eric as our driver navigated the streets back to the hotel, thinking about the past four months and how much had already changed, in a good way. After Eric told me about theconfrontation he had with James, much to my relief James had moved permanently to London since his reputation was ruined in Coral Gables. My art was flourishing, and there was just an overall sense of contentment in my heart that had been missing since before my parents’ deaths.

And I knew that Eric was the reason.

“Thank you for today, for letting my parents be there for the wedding,” he said, bringing me out of my thoughts and my attention back to my husband.

I smiled up at him. “Of course. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I think they had a good time.”

Eric chuckled and shook his head. “I saw my father stepping all over your feet when you danced with him. He used to be a great dancer, but I think he’s forgotten how.”

There was no pain in his voice, just a statement of fact. “Maybe, but it doesn’t matter.”

“No, it doesn’t,” he agreed as a wicked grin touched his lips. “What does matter is getting you up to the room and stripping you out of this dress so I can do unspeakable things to you.”

I bit my bottom lip, my body already on board with the idea. “Oh, yes, please.”

His eyes softened as he brushed his fingers along my jaw, staring deeply into my eyes. “In case you didn’t know, or needed to hear it a millionth time, I fucking adore you, Mrs. Maxim.”

I nuzzled my cheek into his warm palm, loving how my new married name sounded. “You’re not half bad yourself, Mr. Maxim,” I teased.

“Half bad?” he mocked and arched a brow. “You’ll be changing your tune when you’re exhausted from all the orgasms I plan to make you endure.”

I groaned, because there was no doubt in my mind that he’d keep that promise. This man wasverygenerous with my pleasure, before taking his.

We arrived at the posh hotel and tried to behave on our way to the penthouse suite, but Eric was an impatient man. Halfway up in the elevator, he was already kissing me senseless, his hands roaming over my hips and his lower body keeping mine pinned to the wall.

The elevator opened directly onto our floor, and he swept me up in his arms and carried me straight to the bedroom. Once there, he set me on my feet and didn’t waste time, immediately trying to figure out the complicated buttons securing the back of my wedding dress.

He growled in frustration when those satin buttons kept slipping through his big fingers and not the eyelet. “I’m going to fucking rip this dress off your body.”

I gasped, secretly loving his dominant voice. “Don’t you dare!”

“It’s either that, or fuck you with the dress on,” he replied, sounding completely serious.

“Neither,” I said, glancing over my shoulder at him, his eyes already dark and hot with desire for me. “I want us both naked.”

He released another low, deep sound of annoyance for the uncooperative buttons and his fumbling fingers. “You’re going to pay for this,” he teased.

“I hope so,” I said cheekily, and giggled as he cursed a few more times until the dress finally dropped to the floor.

I striped out of my bra and panties while watching him quickly shed all his clothes. I licked my lips at the jut of his cock, more than willing to get down on my knees and pleasure him with my mouth.