She laughed again, this time much more ladylike.
As we headed toward our destination, I glanced her way and asked, “Is there anything you would like to know about Felix and the party? I know that the information on all events was in the calendar packet I gave to you, but if there is anything that I could elaborate on?”
Jasmine thought a moment, then she nodded. “Actually, yes. Something serious in fact.” She leaned in, brow up. “What kind of food is going to be there?”
Her vivacious personality was incredibly refreshing. As was her appetite for food in general when most of my dates would only pick at their meal. “Felix is all about seafood,” I told her. “So probably some shrimp ceviche, all sorts of salmon dishes, tempura shellfish. He has access to a Michelin star chef who specialises in seafood. There’s never a dull meal with him.”
The euphoric look on Jasmine’s face gave the immediate impression that she was fast tracking her way to drooling over the food. “Oh, I love seafood!” she said, her voice enthusiastic. “It’s my favorite.”
My brow quirked. “That’s good to know. So, what you’re telling me is I need to spoil you endlessly with little shrimps and scallops?”
“Yes, please.” Her eyes lit up, her mouth an upturned pout. “I’d do just about anything for some good seafood.”
I grinned, enjoying our easy, and flirtatious, banter. “Don’t tempt me while I’m driving, or I might have to pull over into the first deserted parking lot and take full advantage of what you’re offering.”
The flush on her skin was beautiful and brilliant, and I had to resist the urge to reach out and run my fingers along that perfect skin of hers just to see if I could make her flush that much deeper.
There was a strong temptation to blow off the luncheon entirely, but I knew that the longer I waited to seduce Jasmine, the sweeter the reward would be when she and I were finally able to be alone, on our own time.
By the timewe arrived at Felix’s place, the party had already started. Most people arrived early when it came to Felix’s get togethers. He was the kind of gregarious person who people undeniably wanted to always be around, as much as possible.
As we walked into his elaborate mansion, there was every manner of wealthy guest in attendance, each dressed in a distinguished piece of 1920’s garb. Though there were plenty of women dressed fashionably and dripping in jewels and beaded couture, there was no denying that Jasmine, herself, was the most stunning and head-turning creature in the room. Her elegance and grace, her understated beauty, that silky blonde hair, all combined to elevate her in a way that no other woman could compete with.
It was obvious in the appreciative and envious looks cast her way as we mingled and I introduced her to friendsand acquaintances in my social circle. Of course, true to her unpretentious nature, Jasmine didn’t even notice those overt glances, too absorbed in appreciating the authentic, time-accurate art and décor that Felix had brought in for the party.
“Eric! There you are, old sport!”
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, I thought in amusement. Jasmine at my side, I turned toward the direction of Felix’s voice. He was a burly, jovial man, almost twenty years my senior, and had more vigor than any man his age ought to. He looked the epitome of a 1920’s gangster, reminiscent of Al Capone in his dark, three-piece pin striped suit and fedora hat.
Walking up to Jasmine and me, his arms opened wide, welcoming me in without hesitation. I embraced him, shaking my head at his eccentricity as he continued on.
“You don’t call, you don’t text, you barely socialize with me anymore!” Felix chastised dramatically. “I’m surprised that you even came!” His attention shifted to Jasmine and his face lit up. “Let me guess, this exquisite lady has been keeping you distracted!”
I rolled my eyes.“Behave, Felix. This is Jasmine, a friend of mine,” I said casually. “Jasmine, this is Felix. He’s an absolute menace to everything that moves.”
Jasmine laughed. “I’m sure he’s not a menace at all.”
She held her hand out so Felix could shake it. His level of enchantment with Jasmine grew as he lifted her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. Because he posed no threat, and there was no lust on his expression as I’d seen on other male guests’ faces, I found his behavior bearable.
“Oh, I am a menace, but only to the people who deserve it. I’m sure that you, my dear, will avoid my more malcontenttendencies.” He winked at her, eliciting an amused chuckle from Jasmine.
Then he turned back to me, suddenly serious. “How are your parents doing, Eric?” he asked.
I tensed at the personal question and all the implications surrounding it. I couldn’t blame Felix for asking, since he and my father had once been good friends before…everything changed. “They’re doing well,” I assured him, and catching Jasmine’s curious look, I quickly rerouted the conversation before it went any further. “Anyway, Felix, I see you have some new pieces around…”
Mentioning the art was the perfect way to distract him and leave the complicated discussion about my parents behind. It launched us into a proper tour, Felix leading and Jasmine absolutely enraptured as he showed off the relics and art pieces he’d gotten a hold of to make the party more authentic. They went back and forth, a friendly tit for tat that I was all too happy to observe. Jasmine’s face never lost its light and enthusiasm; she seemed to thrive off spaces like this, with people like Felix.
People who had depth and passion.
Where had this woman been hiding in all of Coral Gables? That I had never come across her before Dominique put us in touch was damn near criminal.
A short while later we sat down at Felix’s table, at his insistence, and our meal was served. The discussion between Felix and Jasmine turned to a lively debate of all things seafood, followed by a visit to the table by the Michelin star chef who’d prepared all the courses. I had the pleasure of watching Jasmine charm yet another man in the room as she gushed about his various dishes and showered him with praise for the outstanding meal and hors d’oeuvres he'd prepared.
By the time the luncheon came to an end and it was time to leave the party, Felix and Jasmine had exchanged contactinformation. I didn’t mind this, mainly because Felix was harmless and despite his flirtations, Jasmine was not his type. But it amused me to no end how flustered she’d gotten when he suggested swapping numbers, her eyes darting to me for permission, which I appreciated and gave with a slight nod of my head.
Felix waved his hand, laughing as he misinterpreted her deer in the headlights look she gave me. “Oh, don’t worry dear. I’m not trying anything nefarious,” he assured her. “I want to be able to invite you myself next time. And maybe bend your ear about some possible purchases I would like to make at a later date. You have a keen eye and impeccable tastes when it comes to art.”
That genuine and accurate praise had startled Jasmine and flushed her cheeks with embarrassment. I was beginning to notice that any compliment about her intelligence and art acumen caused an uncomfortable and self-conscious reaction in her. I could only surmise that she was more accustomed to the sort of flattery that men spouted when their only goal was getting her into their bed and nothing else.