Page 1 of Forbidden Desires



Florie’s in Palm Beach was comfortably packed, with just enough patrons sitting in the light, airy dining room to create a low undercurrent of conversation, laughter, and contentment, without being a total cacophony of noise. It was one of two reasons I loved to come here. The second reason, of course, was the delicately indulgent seared scallops I always ate while gracing the table situated at the window that overlooked the Florida coastline.

Usually, being here would be a comfort for me. Today, there was far too much on my mind to even be enticed by the half-eaten plate of scallops in front of me.

“Jasmine, darling. I didn’t invite you out to lunch just to watch you stare at your plate as though it were going to grow an arm and strangle you.”

I lifted my gaze to the woman sitting across from me—my mentor and my one true confidant left in this world. The oneperson who took a destitute young girl without a family under her wing and had offered her a better future than the one she’d currently been living. She’d given me choices when I’d had none, and I was grateful to her for that. But sometimes, admittedly, what I did for a living was a lonely existence, despite being surrounded by people.

Dominique La Rue was a seasoned woman. Her glossy, thick black hair that held a single, silvery stripe of grey was the opposite of my pale blonde waves. She was well into her sixties—a fact only those closest to her knew—but could easily pass for a woman a decade younger than herself, with wise crows’ feet and snarky smile lines that made her smirks mischievous and enticing. She had taught me everything I now knew about what it was to be an escort—a damn good one at that.

Ironic that that’s what caused my state of distraction today.

I laughed at her comment and shifted in my seat. It was fair enough that all I had done this meal was give despondent, single word answers and pick at my food. “I’m sorry, Dom.”

A perfectly pencilled and filled in brow rose up. “Oh, a whole sentence out of you. Most I’ve gotten since planting my rear in this seat,” she said in a dry tone. “Go on. Spit it out. You’ve clearly got something on your mind.”

She always managed to read me liked she’d just cracked open the pages of my life story, which she knew all too well. “It’s about this last client. Well, about all of them, I suppose. And this line of work.”

She hummed, nodding. “Go on.”

I sat back in my chair and exhaled a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking about the future.”

Dominique laughed, this time heartily. “Barely into your twenties and already thinking forward? I wonder who put such a mature mind set into your head.”

“Who indeed,” I said with a smile. “But it’s true. I realized a few things the other night with a client and it got me thinking about how fun the flings are, how the pretending and the playing is so much like a game. I like the game,” I said honestly. I was only twenty-four and I enjoyed the companionship, the social events I was privy to, and yes, even the luxuries that came with my job. “But many games come to an end eventually, and in this line of work it’s so easy for people to get bored and move on to something, and someone, different.”

Dominique took a sip of her wine. “Your client said something to you, didn’t he?”

I nodded, folding my hands in my lap. “I’ve seen him a few times. Nothing too serious. He’s doting, likes taking me on business trips and showing me off to his friends. Then we part ways until the next time he needs me.”

She tipped her head curiously. “And something went wrong?”

My lips pursed. “He’s gotten engaged, and I had no idea he was seeing anyone else.” Which went against my personal rules. Yes, I was an escort, but I didn’t date men who were involved in other serious relationships and Dom knew and respected that. “From what he told me, it’s more a marriage of convenience between two wealthy families, but you know that’s a deal breaker for me.”

“Yes, I do. So, this man has gotten engaged and now you’re thinking about the future.” She frowned in concern. “Don’t tell me you got attached to your client, my dear.”

Not even close. One of the first lessons Dom had taught me was to keep my emotions out of the equation. That in this line of business the relationships were fleeting and the men were fickle, all of which had so far held true. There hadn’t been a client that had even tempted me to give him anything other than my time and body.

“No,” I replied, a half grin curving my lips. “The last thing on my mind is getting attached to anyone who pays me to call him ‘Captain Long John’ in bed. Let alone someone who doesn’t have the length to back up the name.”

Amusement sparkled in her eyes. “I’m just making sure you’re playing it smart, dear. Do continue.”

I thought for a moment how to phrase what was on my mind. “Well, he’s not the only client who has settled down or has moved on, which is part of this business, I know. But sometimes I think it would be nice to find someone who could offer a bit more…stability.”

“So, you want someone who will provide you with a comfortable future. Give you the means to live as you please, make your choices according to what you want, not what you need, while providing him with the companionship he desires.” She flashed me a gregarious grin. “Why, Jasmine, are you looking for a future like mine?”

Dominique was teasing, but who wouldn’t want a future like hers? She wasn’t even escorting anymore and still had means to maintain a nice apartment and travel as she pleased. She still had connections from her former working days that got her into art houses, film festivals, and fashion shows. Dominique did not want for anything, whether it was luxury or necessity.

Mostly, she didn’t have to worry about security being pulled viciously out from under her feet, which was something I feared and worried about the most. And even though I’d come a long way from the scared, destitute eighteen-year-old I’d been when Dom had taken me under her wing, there was no way I ever wanted to live in such dire circumstances again.

So, yes, of course I wanted that kind of stability.

Dominique swirled the last of her wine around in her glass, her expression thoughtful. “I think what you need is an older man who is more in the position to offer you those things,”she suggested. “Someone who can appreciate both your mental and physical attributes and provide you with the securityandindependence that I know is so important to you.”

“Exactly,” I said with a smile.