Oh no. Work!
The thought hit me and I scrambled out of bed and searched for my things. I yanked my dress on—my only clothes, I would have to ask Seth to get me more from my apartment—and hurried to find my purse where I’d left it at the entrance.
The door that I chose exited out into a hallway, but when I looked back at it, I saw it had a mirror on the other side. Genius. Probably to keep random guests or the housekeeper from finding the sex room. I knew I wouldn’t want just anyone wandering in there thinking they’d found the bathroom.
In the light of day, I could see the upstairs area and found it was about as bare as the downstairs. I walked down the hall and passed by what seemed to be the master bedroom. I peered inside and found it empty—not just of Seth, but of pretty much anything else too. On the wall I saw several paint swatches showing different shades, and I wondered if he was leaving them up there so that his future wife could help him choose one.
It was incredibly sweet and thoughtful, but also incredibly lonely. My heart ached. So few men in my experience were ready for marriage and to settle down. They felt pressured to find ‘the one’ when they were still focused on other things, and they had women throwing themselves at them. Yet here was Seth, ready to take that next step in his life, and he didn’t have anyone.
Was it that he was picky? It couldn’t be that women didn’t want him. He was insanely hot, sweet, successful, and charming. Who wouldn’t want him?
I headed downstairs, where I finally saw a clock on the wall that told me it was eight in the morning. Not terribly late, but definitely later than I usually slept. I must’ve really needed the rest after Seth wore me out last night. In fact, coming down the stairs I could feel the ache in my thighs, but it wasn’t an unwelcome one.
My purse was where I’d left it, untouched. I retrieved my phone—yikes, I would need to charge it—only to find that there were already texts waiting for me from Tony.
God, I was in so much trouble, wasn’t I?
I opened the messages.
Hey, Seth told me you’d let him know you would be skipping work today and giving him your security info. He said you had a stomach bug? I hope you feel better soon!
Hey, me again—had a long talk with Seth. There’s some kind of issue going on and he’s going to be using your account to do double-blind testing. He said in the meantime it would be best if you left your account alone so there’s no crossed wires on who does what. Since you’re already not feeling well why don’t you take some time off for a few days while Seth works through this? You’ve been on call since you were hired and I’m gonna miss you but you deserve a rest, ha ha.
Well, looked like my work situation was taken care of, thanks to Seth. I texted Tony back and said I appreciated it, and I was pretty sure it was some fish I’d eaten and I would be fine by tomorrow or the next day, but I was happy to enjoy my time off and I wished Seth luck in the whole endeavor as long as he didn’t fuck with my coding.
Tony texted back a string of laughing emojis at my joking threat.
So, it appeared that I had the whole house to myself, then. I was surprised. I thought I’d be stuck in that one room all day, to keep me from running away. Then I looked at the front door and saw that there was a panel on the inside wall next to it. It was a security system, and on the screen it said: ARMED.
Ahh.If I tried to leave, that security alarm would blare loud enough to wake the neighborhood. I had no doubt an alert would be sent to Seth and to the police, who’d converge on the spot. I could roam the house, but unless I found a way to disable the security system without Seth realizing, I was stuck in here.
Clever.It’s almost like he works in security or something,I thought to myself sarcastically.
Well, I wasn’t going to try and escape on an empty stomach anyway. I went into the kitchen through the bare dining room, which had nothing but a beautiful, large dining table made of some kind of gleaming dark wood. I had a feeling it was an antique, but either way it must’ve been damn expensive.
The kitchen itself was huge, with brand-new appliances that were styled in a vintage feel. Seth seemed to have an old-fashioned streak when it came to decorating and favored darker colors. I liked that. It gave the home a very lived-in feel, if you asked me. Cozy, not overly bright and cheery.
The oven was on, and a sticky note was attached to the fridge with my name on it. I picked it up.
Ariana – I have to go into the office. I’ll cover for you. You have the house while I sort this out, but I wouldn’t recommend trying to leave. Breakfast is in the oven.
Yeah, that’s what I’d thought. I wasn’t going to get out of this house unless Seth let me.
In the meantime, though, I had the entire day to myself, and he’d made me breakfast. That wasn’t so bad. It was a hell of a lot better than being turned into the police. Prison or being fucked six ways to Sunday by a handsome man while I hung out in his house the rest of the time? It was no contest.
I set the note down and opened the oven, the smell of delicious food wafting towards me. Inside was a warm cast-iron pan—when I brought it out I saw that inside was shakshuka, kept warm by the oven, which looked amazing. I set the pan on the stove, grabbed a plate from the cupboard, and served myself. It tasted just as good as it smelled and looked. Seth was a hell of a cook.
Once I finished eating and cleaned up, I gave into temptation and explored the rest of the house. I wanted to know more about this man. Seth intrigued me. On the one hand he wanted to settle down and have a family. He’d bought this beautiful house and was charming and outgoing. But on the other hand, he liked to dominate in the bedroom, to push me past my limits and to have total control.
Whenever I remembered being strung up and slowly forced onto the dildo, I shivered. It had been unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. When I’d thought about the possibility of indulging in kinkier sex, I had pictured things like being tied up and spanked. I’d pictured it hot and heavy and full of action, but when it actually happened with Seth… the slow, deliberate, inexorable quality was even more intense than anything I could’ve come up with in my half-baked fantasies.
It also gave me a sense of satisfaction I’d never felt before. I hadn’t realized—just how much I needed someone else to take the reins and be in charge for a while, and make the decisions for me. I had spent so long on my own. I’d had to be in charge of Dad’s chemotherapy and Mom’s healthcare after the accident…
God, Mom. She’d felt so guilty. She’d been driving recklessly while crying about Dad—it was only a few months after the funeral—and she’d been struggling badly with depression. I knew she felt horrible for putting me in a situation to care for and lose another parent. I’d tried to stay cheerful for her.
I missed her so much. If I could change anything, it would be that I ask her not to drive and wait for me to take her to the store instead.
But I’d been in charge of her, and Dad, and then I had started my crusade. And so here we were.