But I’d felt her shiver when I’d put my hand possessively at her waist. And I had the feeling that what she was planning to do tonight, and what she actually wanted to do in the bedroom, were two different things.
Only one way to find out.
I had the valet—yes, there had been a valet hired for this reception—to fetch my town car, and I held the front passenger door open for Leigh before getting behind the wheel.
“You drive yourself?” Leigh asked, sounding genuinely a bit surprised.
“I’m not used to people doing things for me,” I said, which was true. “I’ve already attended a barbecue with paper plates that still had waitstaff. They’ll take the paper plates out of your hands and throw them away for you, like I can’t walk five feet to a trash can on my own.”
Leigh rolled her eyes. “That’s got to be frustrating. You’re used to making your own way, right?”
I nodded, remembering Jack Lawton’s family history. “The falling out between my mother and my uncle happened when I was pretty young, so when it came to college and stuff—my dad made a good living as a dentist but I still needed some help from academic scholarships. It’s honestly insane how much people have to pay for college these days, even people you’d generally consider well-off. The cost of living is just absurd.”
“Well, you’re rich now. There’s a lot you can do to change that.” Leigh sounded more earnest than she had the rest of the night.
“That’s very true. I don’t suppose you have some charities you know of that you could bring to my attention?”
Leigh blinked in surprise. “You genuinely want me to do some work for you?”
“If you’re up to the task. I can fire you just as easily as I can hire you.”
“So we’re… not going back to your place for… some playtime?” As she asked this, Leigh leaned over and cupped my cock with her hand, squeezing lightly.
Now was time for me to have some real fun. I feigned a gasp, like I was in shock. “L-Leigh,” I stuttered out, squirming.
She bought the act, massaging my cock. Fuck, I had to admit that felt good. She knew what she was doing.
She leaned closer and lowered her voice to a husky pitch. “I think you want to have some fun with me. I think you want me to take care of you. It’s such a big new world you’re in. I think you want me to take all those worries away for you and let you be a good boy. Don’t you want to be a good boy for me?”
She played the part well, said all the right things in a perfect pouty voice, but I could tell her heart wasn’t in it. It would’ve fooled probably a lot of men, because they’d only be focused on what they wanted and how good it all felt. But I liked being in control in the bedroom. My mind was clear. So I could tell she was putting on an act in order to seduce me.
I couldn’t wait to turn the tables on her.
“Y-yes,” I stuttered out, like I was overwhelmed and turned on.
“Then let’s get back to your place and we’ll see what we can do to take all that stress away,” Leigh cooed.
Oh, I was going to get rid of some stress, all right, but not in the way she was expecting.
She teased me the entire drive back to the hotel room I was renting as Jack Lawton, and I made sure to note that for when I got back at her later for her behavior. I was sure any number of the men at that party would be putty in her hands right now, begging her for mercy and for pleasure.
To each their own—I sure didn’t judge—but that wasn’t the game I played. And it wasn’t the game that Leigh really wanted to play, either. I noticed a few times her tone slipped up a bit and boredom crept in. If I’d really been so aroused, I would’ve missed her lack of enthusiasm.
If I had to guess, I’d say what she really wanted was a man to dominate her.
It was in her language, too. It was said that we often gave others what we wanted people to give us—so people who were verbally affectionate wanted to be reassured and told what a good job they were doing. People who gave a lot of hugs wanted to be hugged and held. I suspected that all the things Leigh was saying to me she actually wanted me to say to her.
Well. I would be more than happy to make a ‘good girl’ out of her.
I parked the car in front of the hotel and made a show of getting my cock under control so I could get out and hand the keys to the valet. Leigh was perfectly behaved as we entered the lobby and made our way up to the floor where my room was located. She didn’t even try anything in the elevator.
Once we got to the room, though, she started up again.
I watched that delicious ass of hers sway in her tight dress as she walked over to the bed. “Let’s start simple. I’m sure you have a lot of stress you want to release … and you did say you liked a woman on top. So lie down on the bed.”
It was a struggle to hold in my smirk as I walked over. She ordered me to strip, one piece of clothing at a time, so I did as I was told, until she was still in her dress and heels and I was naked. Once that was accomplished, with all of her good boys and petting my hair, she had me lie down on the bed on my back.
Oh, we were so close to the juicy part. I honestly was having a little endurance test with myself. How long could I keep pretending to be submissive? When would be the perfect moment to strike and turn the tables on this woman?