Page 66 of Indecent Secrets

“I’ll be liquidating our assets and using the funds to invest in the company that Rebecca here will be starting,” Jack went on. “Provided she maintains a focus on environmentally healing practices.”

Rebecca blushed a little as Jack looked over at her, the full weight of his intense and serious gaze on her. Jack wasn’t my type, but he did seem like the kind of man who got very passionate about a few particular subjects, in his own quiet way. I hoped Rebecca would finally get some kind of happy ending.

Jack continued to explain how the dissolution of the company would work, and how he had consulted with someone on generous severance packages for the employees. I noticed a distinct lack of golden parachutes for the board members, and I had to work hard to hide a smirk.

When it was all over, Jack walked over to us. No, to me.

His gaze was appreciative. “I hear I have to thank you, specifically, for all of your hard work in coming up with a plan. And for helping get justice for my uncle.”

“It was all a part of the job,” I lied, smiling politely.

Jack and Bryce shook hands, exchanged a few words, and then Jack offered to buy Rebecca a coffee. She blushed again and accepted.

I squinted up at Bryce. “Are you playing matchmaker too?”

He widened his eyes in feigned shock. “I would never.”

I laughed under my breath. “You’re a big, fat liar.”

Bryce just smirked and led me out of the room.

When we were alone, I asked, “What happens now?”

Bryce looked into the distance as we walked towards the elevator. “Now, we go home.”

I paused, my heart hammering in my chest at his choice of words, and Bryce stopped as well. “We?”

Bryce cleared his throat. For the first time since I had met him, he looked unsure of himself. “I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t—do this. Relationships.”

“The love ‘em and leave ‘em type?” I asked.

He gently touched my cheek with the tips of his fingers, his eyes going softer than I’d ever seen them. “I wouldn’t use the first word. Not until you.”

My breath caught in my throat. The corner of Bryce’s mouth curled up, but for once it wasn’t a knowing smirk for getting one over on me. It looked . . . bittersweet.

“You really didn’t suspect?” he asked, surprise lacing his voice.

I shook my head.

“Leigh.” Bryce’s free hand slid down, until his arm was around my entire waist and he could pull me in. “Do you think I would’ve taken just anyone to my apartment? To my home? Let you be there alone while I handled business, where you could snoop as you pleased if you wanted?”

I swallowed hard, hopefully, and shook my head again.

“Anyone else I would have driven them to the hospital and checked them in,” Bryce told me. “I would have made sure they were safe, and I would have left. Not you. I didn’t want to let you out of my sight for a second. I wanted you to be where I could protect you.”

I searched his face, but I saw nothing but earnestness there. “You better be serious,” I warned him. “After everything—”

Bryce kissed me. Right in the middle of the office where a bunch of people who’d thought I was their coworker could see it. Where a bunch of people who’d thought of Bryce as their boss could see it.

But it seemed Bryce didn’t care. He kissed me until my knees went week, then pulled back. There was no smirk on his face. Just warmth and the sweetest emotions.

“I’ll be honest,” he said, his tone a bit gruff. “I don’t think I’ve been so serious about something in my entire life before.”

I could feel my face heating up and I was sure I was blushing. “Well. You’re lucky you can keep up with me, that’s all.”

“Uh-huh.” Bryce stroked his fingers through my hair, then pulled, ever so slightly. “I can’t wait until I can put that collar on you again and show you just how much you belong to me.”

I shivered. I couldn’t wait for him to do exactly that.