“We’re here. I’m going to put you on the bed.” Usually I’d want to give her a bath but I had a feeling that wouldn’t go over well considering what she’d just been through. Instead I laid her down, then carefully undressed her and went into the bathroom to get a washcloth.
I cleaned her up that way, then applied salve to her various bruises before wrapping her in a spare bathrobe and tucking her into the bed.
There. She was safe now. Safe and able to sleep it all off.
I turned to go sleep on the couch, but Leigh’s hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. “Bryce!” Her voice was low and panicked.
I sat back down on the bed. “I’m here, sweetheart, and you’re fine.”
“Please don’t go.”
Fuck. How was I supposed to say no to her?
I stripped and put on a pair of sweats, then climbed into bed. Leigh rolled over immediately and curled against my side, clinging to me. I wrapped my arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
She was safe, and always would be. Like hell was I ever going to let her go again.
Chapter 25
* * *
I woke up to some very sore muscles.
I groaned, and immediately the warmth surrounding me moved and sat up. “Leigh?”
“Everything hurts,” I whispered, my voice still raspy from having David’s hands around my throat.
“I’m not surprised. I’ll get you some water.”
Sitting up gingerly, I watched as Bryce—shirtless, because of course he was—went and got me a glass of water.
“Where are we?” I asked when he returned and after I’d had a drink.
“My apartment.”
Home. He’d brought me to his home.
I looked around and out the window. His apartment was obviously high up, but it wasn’t all chrome and open floorplans. Instead it was all art deco. That surprised me.
“Why’d you bring me here?” I asked curiously.
He smiled at me. “Where else would I bring you?”
I stared at him. “I don’t know. The hotel?” Somewhere that was less personal and intimate.
Bryce sat down on the edge of the bed. “Leigh. I…” He swallowed and looked away.
I continued drinking my water, surprised that the cat had gotten the tongue of Bryce, of all people.
He finally looked back at me, his eyes pained. “You nearly died.”
I shivered and set the empty glass aside. “I’m aware.”
“The fact that you were able to free yourself…” Bryce shook his head incredulously, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth. “You really are an extraordinary woman.”
“Not so extraordinary that you wanted me to help you,” I pointed out in a low grumble. I was still upset about that, so sue me.