My body felt like it was in the throes of an earthquake. Holy mother of God. I’d never felt like this when having sex before.
There was a sense of recklessness and connection that I’d just never felt before. Even after we’d come, Bryce sealed his mouth to mine again and kissed me, and we just… kept kissing. Like we just had to keep touching each other. It wasn’t one-sided, either. Whatever he was feeling, I felt too. I wanted to keep him close and keep kissing him. To have my hands all over him, to have him inside of me.
I had no idea how long we kissed for, but eventually the franticness faded into something softer, and the kisses became lingering. My hands framed his face, and my legs unwound from around his waist.
After what felt like an age, Bryce pulled back and rested our foreheads together. We breathed together, in a small bubble of peace.
I wanted to do something stupid like smile and giggle like a teenager, my heart feeling oddly light. I didn’t know what to do with it.
The beep, beep, beep of a phone alarm had us both shooting up and fumbling with our clothes. My heart raced as it took me a second to realize we hadn’t actually been caught, and my face felt like it was on fire. It wasn’t even so much the sex that had me embarrassed. I felt like I’d been caught naked. Not nude, not sexy, but naked—like I had been napping in the bathtub. Vulnerable. Soft.
But nothing had been going on. We’d just been taking a breath after sex. That was normal, that was typical, it wasn’t anything special.
So why did it feel like it was?
I grabbed some tissues out of the desk to clean up as Bryce found his phone and silenced the alarm. “I have a meeting.” He sounded oddly breathless, like he’d been knocked off his balance, which wasn’t at all like the Bryce I knew.
“Of course,” I said, although that didn’t make any sense as a response. “Here.”
We cleaned up quickly, and made sure we each looked presentable.
“Great, thanks,” he finished, and then, before he left—he kissed me on the corner of my mouth, like he’d been unsure if he should kiss me full on the lips or on my cheek so he’d settled for something in between.
I stared after Bryce as he hurried out of the office, leaving the door open behind him. Bill wasn’t at the desk, thank God. Probably still hiding from embarrassment until I was gone. But I was glad, because it meant I could just let myself stare for a moment in shock.
What was going on? What had just happened?
And why was my heart still racing?
Chapter 18
* * *
That was an incredibly stupid decision to fuck Leigh on my desk, in my office where anyone could walk in, but I just couldn’t help myself.
I hadn’t even thought about Bill as a threat when Leigh had suggested him for the position as Jack’s secretary. He was younger than me by a few years, hell, younger than Leigh too, a bit wet behind the ears. Leigh certainly wasn’t going to be dumping me for him.
Not that we were together as a couple. There was nothing to ‘dump’.
So to see Bill trying to ask her out on a date was a surprise. I hadn’t thought he’d have the nerve for it, honestly. But then to see him ignoring her polite attempts to explain why it was a bad idea?
That made my blood boil.
I tried not to intervene. I tried to keep my growing agitation to myself and just wait it out. But I couldn’t stay silent any longer. I didn’t just want to rebuke him. I wanted to grab him by the throat and inform him that Leigh was my woman and he’d better fucking respect her. Leigh deserved better than a man refusing to listen to her polite hints, and she deserved to have someone stepping in to protect her.
But aside from all of my noble intentions to help Leigh and keep Bill respecting her… there was also just that feeling of anger that someone was trying to move in on what was mine.
I couldn’t help but feel that if I wasn’t still trapped in this stupid role as Jack Lawton, trying to find out information, Bill would never fucking try this. He and everyone else would know that Leigh was mine, and I didn’t share. I wouldn’t have to hide our relationship, because there wouldn’t be anything inappropriate about it. Everyone would know better than to try and make a move on my girl.
The grip of my possessiveness overtook me the moment the door was closed and I let it sweep me away. I couldn’t show it to Bill, of course. I couldn’t even do that. I had to just act like my only concern was for the appropriateness of the workplace and Bill respecting Leigh’s wishes, and that drove me even more wild.
I couldn’t stop touching her, kissing her, and the next thing I knew I was fucking her like an animal. Leigh encouraged me with whispered pleas and soft moans and whimpers, trying desperately to keep her voice down as I rutted into her.
The temptation to bite her and give her a hickey was so strong that I felt I nearly cracked my teeth clenching my jaw and holding myself back. I wanted to make it so that everyone knew that Leigh belonged to someone, even if I wasn’t with her. I wanted people to know she was off-limits and they had no chance with her.
When I came inside of her, it felt like triumph. Leigh clung to me, shaking in her orgasm, like she was overwhelmed. Like she didn’t want to let me go.