Page 47 of Indecent Secrets

Bill snorted. “My boss can’t say what I do in my personal life.”

“Maybe not, but it doesn’t stop him or anyone else in this office from having an opinion. And I don’t want to ruin my reputation by making people at a very powerful company think I’ll promote people out of nepotism. If we get involved, that’s what will likely happen. They’ll think I helped get you this job because we’re sleeping together.”

“So you’d be up for it if we weren’t working together?” Bill hazarded.

“No,” Bryce drawled, leaning against the doorframe. “She wouldn’t be up for it.”

It felt like the temperature in the room dropped. A shiver ran up my spine as I looked around Bill to take in Bryce standing there. He looked like a wolf who’d just come upon some scavenger eating his kill.

Bryce’s gaze pierced me. “You okay?”

“Yes.” It took everything in me not to let my legs buckle and to reveal in my voice just how much I wanted to submit to him. I felt like my bones wanted to melt and it took all of my mental focus to keep myself solid, that was how thoroughly he made me want to submit.

It was exhilarating.

Bryce turned his attention to Bill. I had to admit it was really nice to see the flash of jealousy in his eyes. If anyone else had been so possessive I would’ve been annoyed. But anyone else would’ve just been jealous because they wanted to fuck me. Bryce knew who I really was. Bryce liked me as a person, even if he probably didn’t feel whatever weird attachment I was feeling to him.

He wasn’t jealous because I was a good pair of legs. He was jealous because we worked well together. Because he liked me and knew me. And that, to my surprise, had butterflies erupting in my stomach.

Bill looked like he wanted to sink into the floor.

“I’m excited to work with you, Bill,” Bryce said. “I hope you’ll stay focused on that and not let other things divert your attention.”

“Of course not, Mr. Lawton,” Bill said quickly.

“There’s some emails that need answering. Why don’t you get on that?”

Bill nodded, still looking a bit sick, and hurried out of the room. Bryce stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

The moment the door was closed, his demeanor changed. The last bit of lazy confidence fled him and he stalked towards me, grabbing me and hauling me to him, kissing me passionately. I grabbed onto his suit, the fabric crumpling under my fingers, gasping as his tongue slid into my mouth. My knees buckled at last and it was only Bryce’s arm around my waist that saved me from melting to the floor at his feet.

“That man is lucky,” Bryce growled, shoving me back onto the desk, “that he still knows me as Jack.”

His mouth was like a brand, kissing down my neck, shoving my blouse out of the way so that he could scrape his teeth over my skin.

“No marks,” I gasped out.

“Trust me, I know.” Bryce’s voice was still low and rumbling, animalistic. “The moment this stupid charade is over, everyone is going to know that you’re mine.”

His words sent a thrill through me. I whimpered as I felt him getting hard against my thigh, and automatically spread my legs to make room for him in between. “I want you to.”

On the one hand, I could appreciate that he knew the weird position we were in. We couldn’t make it known that we were sleeping together, or else that would just make me look like I’d gotten the job because of sex. It would definitely give Bill reason to badmouth me out of jealousy, that was sure.

On the other hand, I had wanted Bryce to storm across the room and kiss me in front of Bill and everyone else. I wanted Bill and every other man out there to know that they weren’t good enough for me, and that I already had a man who filled my every desire.

We only had to keep this up for a little longer. Just a little longer, and we could be openly together.

God, that made me sound like Juliet Capulet. This wasn’t some crazy star-crossed forbidden romance. I just didn’t want to hide how turned on I was for this man—or that I was getting to sleep with the sexiest, most capable guy in town. The fact that I now knew Bryce was keeping himself on a leash in order to play the role of Jack… I couldn’t wait to see him unleashed, and to see everyone else see him as his true self.

I hooked my ankles around Bryce’s thighs to bring him closer, arching as he continued to kiss along my throat. We were finally getting to do what we had gotten interrupted doing the other day, and I had no intention of someone stopping us now.

“Who do you belong to?” Bryce demanded, his voice rough from forcing himself to stay quiet instead of growling it as loudly as he wanted to.

I shivered, my toes curling in my heels. “Yours.”

There was a part of my mind that set off an alarm. He didn’t call you pet, he didn’t ask whose pet you are, this isn’t a scene, this isn’t a game.

But I was too wrapped up in my arousal to really care in the moment. What did it matter? I liked that I was his. I liked that he was jealous and wished he could openly claim me.