Page 45 of Indecent Secrets

She was fucking gorgeous. And she looked so natural in my bed, even if ‘my’ bed was currently a hotel room.

“You were the Great White,” I said with a snort.

“Were you supposed to sleep with me?” Leigh asked, her voice low and husky. “I mean—you didn’t have an assignment, obviously, but it feels like you kind of did the opposite of keeping the shark away with me.”

“You were just too much fun,” I admitted, reaching out and brushing back a stray strand of hair on her cheek. “And I figured that you were dangerous so I thought keeping you close would be a smart idea, so I could keep an eye on you.”

That was true, but there was another part to the equation. I had just wanted her. I’d wanted her so fucking badly and after I’d slept with her that obsession had only gotten worse.

Leigh grinned at me, like she knew what I wasn’t saying. “You can just admit I’m amazing, that’s okay.”

“You’re dangerous, that’s for sure,” I murmured. “I liked watching you manipulate people. I could tell you were up to something and I was curious enough about your motives to keep you in my sights . . . and in my bed.”

Leigh blushed, to my surprise. “I’ve never been called dangerous before.”

“Clearly, most people underestimate you and don’t see how clever you are.”

“Well.” Leigh propped herself up on the pillows, blushing even more deeply, which I found endearing. “What’s the plan now, then? Now that I’ve… complicated things.”

“I should ask you that,” I said directly. “Are you going to just… leave?”

Leigh bit her lip and looked away. “I’m not sure. I… I don’t want to just leave you. I’m curious how this story ends. What you find out about Jack’s uncle. And I guess I don’t like the idea of abandoning my project even if I don’t know what to do with it now.”

I did feel bad. Crazily enough, I agreed with Leigh’s plan. I admired her sense of honor and her commitment to a worthy cause. She was clearly the type who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. The world needed more people like her. And I had no doubt that she would’ve succeeded in seducing Jack and convincing him to do what she wanted had he really been here.

“We’ll figure it out,” I reassured her.

Leigh scoffed, amused. “Right, because you’re going to let your client be duped by me so that he can destroy his entire company.”

I didn’t have an answer to that, so I said nothing.

Leigh grew serious, a small frown forming between her brows. “Do you have any idea about… Jack’s uncle?”

I sighed. “Well, he had no shortage of people who would’ve been happy to murder him, at least in theory. But it’s one thing to want someone to die and another thing to actually do it. And the nature of the murder means it was someone who was over at his house frequently and knew his personal life. They knew where the medication was, and they knew what it was for.”

Her expression turned thoughtful. “Sounds like a pretty short list.”

“Well, unless you consider how he couldn’t keep a boyfriend for more than a few months, then it gets long again.”

Leigh groaned. “So, what, we just wait and see if someone tries to seduce and/or try to kill you as Jack so they get the company?”

“Probably,” I admitted. “I’m going to have to get more aggressive, and scare the person into revealing themselves.”

“Sounds risky and dangerous,” Leigh pointed out.

“That’s why I do it.”

She grinned at me, her stare lingering on my face while the room grew quiet.

“What?” I finally asked.

Leigh shrugged. “You’re just sexy, that’s all.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Oh, thank God, with all the sex we were having I was worried for a second that you weren’t attracted to me…”

She hit me with a pillow. I laughed, and ignored the fact that I was trusting her, letting her in, and just hanging out with her, laughing and chatting and sharing intimate, personal things—and that I wanted to keep doing it.

It didn’t mean anything. We were just having fun. I was just relieved that I was now able to be myself around someone for the first time in weeks, that was all.