Page 41 of Indecent Secrets

I knew what to do. I followed.

The ride up to his hotel room was silent, the both of us on either side of the elevator. I felt like there was a rubber band stretching between us, and that any moment it would snap.

The problem with snapping rubber bands was that they hurt. A lot. So the question was—would one or both of us get hurt in this process?

The elevator doors opened silently, as if the technology itself had noticed our bubble and didn’t want to burst it.

Watching Bryce as he led me down the hallway, I couldn’t help but notice there was a change in him. It was like a veil had fallen away. This was even more of a commanding presence than what he’d shown me before when we’d fucked and he’d been my master. I felt like I wasn’t just in the presence of a commanding leader, someone who knew how to dominate. I felt like I was in the presence of someone dangerous. Someone deadly.

It made me shiver.

Bryce entered the room and I followed—only to be grabbed and pinned to the wall, my wrists up over my head. I trembled, out of fear or anticipation, or probably some heady mixture of both.

Bryce’s gaze searched my face, as if he was checking for a weapon I had hidden that he hadn’t yet discovered.

He kept a hold of my wrists with one hand, then used the other to undo his tie and work it free. He slid the fabric around my wrists with a soft whisper of silk, then tied it quickly into a complicated knot. It wasn’t tight enough to make me worry about losing circulation, but there was no way I could get myself out of it. My hands were thoroughly bound.

Bryce hooked his finger through the loop of the knot and used it to lead me across the room to the breakfast area. He put me down on the chair to straddle it, facing the back, and then used one of the loops on the knot he’d tied to secure me to the chair’s back, keeping me anchored there.

Bryce left to go into the bedroom area of the suite and I tugged on my restraints. Unless I wanted to try and rip this chair to pieces, I wasn’t going to be able to get my hands untied from it. I could feasibly get up and swing my leg around to un-straddle the chair and stand, but then I’d have a damn chair tied to me. It was a possible weapon, I supposed, if nothing else.

I sat there, trembling with anticipation. I was still clothed, I was still able to move freely except for my hands. I could feasibly try and run away or get myself free and fight back. I was going on pure intuition in trusting this man wouldn’t actually hurt me. I had no proof, especially now that I knew he wasn’t who he’d claimed to be.

And yet… that was part of what thrilled me. The fact that I could be wrong.

Bryce returned with the supplies and placed them on the table, taking his time opening the case that held all of his sex toys and spreading them out. He didn’t put the collar on me, and I shivered at the implications. I wasn’t his pet right now. This wasn’t my disciplined but benevolent master. It was a whole new game we were playing right now.

“It’s such a pity you’re the impatient type,” Bryce mused. “Well. For you, anyway. It’s good news for me.”

My blood went cold, and then hot, as he pulled out a knife. I was a sitting duck as he approached me from behind.

“Don’t be nervous.” I could hear a chuckle in his voice.

His hand wrapped around the back of the chair from behind and yanked it forward, away from the table and putting me more in the center of the room so that I was now vulnerable on all sides. His ease and strength had me shivering again.

“It’s a little hard to stay calm when you have a knife,” I replied, keeping my tone cool.

The knife in question slid down between my cleavage, the flat of it against my skin, and then it twisted—and faster than I could even inhale in shock—it had sliced through the front of my bra and blouse. He trailed the knife even further down, and I didn’t dare move, even to breathe, as he cut through my skirt with another sharp, deft twist.

The knife moved away, but then he could pull away all the excess fabric, too, leaving me exposed and vulnerable. I heard him moving around behind me, grabbing things, doing something, but there wasn’t enough slack from the restraints for me to turn and get a good look.

Then Bryce’s hands were on my hips. “Lift up.”

I did as I was told, and I heard him doing something with the chair…

“And now…” Bryce murmured, taking hold of my hips again and guiding me back down.

I moaned in shock as a thick, blunt object started filling me up as I was forced down onto a dildo. A dildo that felt familiar, actually…

“You can get these modeled after your own dick,” Bryce mused, as if reading my mind. “What can I say, I’m a bit of a possessive guy when it comes to my cock.”

I panted as gravity forced me to sink further and further down onto the dildo, until it was almost completely inside of me.

Bryce stroked my bare thighs—out of affection or to tease me, I wasn’t sure. “Now.” His lips brushed my ear as he spoke. “You’re going to tell me everything you know and what you’re doing here. If you’re not honest with me, I will leave this room for an hour. And you won’t like what happens while I’m gone.”

I jolted and let out an involuntary squeak as the dildo inside of me began to vibrate. Oh no, oh God no oh fuck oh fuck—

“You’ll be right on the edge. For an hour.” Bryce’s hands slid up to cup my bare breasts, massaging them not so much for me, but for himself, like he was enjoying feeling them.