Page 35 of Indecent Secrets

Fuck. That was a problem. I shouldn’t care what this man thought of me. Especially now that I knew he was probably here to run a con of his own.

That was the question. What was the con?

And who could I trust to help me with information on it? I couldn’t investigate all of this without getting information from people but if I ran around asking the wrong questions people were going to be extremely suspicious. Jack would hear about it, and it would get me into trouble. That wasn’t going to help me.


Bill liked me. If I could get him situated as Jack’s secretary as I’d already planned, then hopefully he could tell me something. Rebecca was going to be miffed at first when she was fired, but then she’d forgive me when she was moved into a junior executive position. I needed her to stay in between hating me and considering me a friend, never sure where we stood. If she was unstable, then she could make rash decisions and steer Jack down the wrong path.

Except that this wasn’t Jack! This was an imposter!

Oh, God, what had happened to the real Jack? Did he know about any of this? Did he know that his inheritance was being stolen? Was he dead and nobody realized?

Fuck, was I dealing with a murderer?

I hated that the idea of sleeping with someone so dangerous sent a shiver down my spine. Because I was going to have to keep sleeping with him. I couldn’t act like anything was different. Not until I had a way to back him into a corner and get out the truth.

Who knew? Maybe I could get this guy to work with me. If he was here to get money, then dismantling the company would go in his favor. He could liquefy assets and be a rich man, so long as nobody found out his con. And frankly… maybe this said a lot about me and my morality or lack of it but I was willing to help a man con a terrible company out of a few million, or even a few hundred million, so long as that company was destroyed and couldn’t keep preying on people and nature anymore.

But until that right moment came… until I had more information… I had to play it safe. I had to act like nothing was wrong.

There was a rap on the doorframe and I nearly jumped right out of the seat, slamming my laptop lid shut. Yeah, great work, Leigh, that’s sure playing it cool and calm like nothing’s wrong.

Jake stood in the doorway, smiling at me. Fuck, he was handsome and so charming and confident. Why did he have to be a conman-slash-possible-murderer?

“The Westons invited me out for dinner.” Jack made it sound like he was possibly being led to the guillotine but he was cheerful about it. “I thought it might be nice if you joined us?”

Before I could reply, he lowered his voice and added, “We could go to my place after.”

Ah. Well, it would be convenient as far as sex went. The Westons also afforded me a possible opportunity. The older one, the father, was on the board of executives at the company while his son David was a company lawyer and one of the men that I’d been introduced to at the party where I’d met Jack.

Both of these men were heavily involved in the company and wanted to see it succeed. Perhaps I could use them to figure out exactly who Jack was and catch him in some kind of lie.

“Sure,” I said, smiling. “I’d love to.”

My heart hammered in my chest as I contemplated being alone in a room with this man all night again. It thrilled me in a way it probably shouldn’t have. “Did you consider my proposal?”

“About Bill? Yes. I think it’s a good idea.” Jack entered the room fully, closing the door behind him so that Rebecca couldn’t eavesdrop. “The last thing I need is someone thinking I’m following my uncle’s pattern. Rebecca shouldn’t get her hopes up.”

“She’s long overdue a promotion,” I said. “And I think you’ll find Bill to be capable in the role.”

“Don’t know what I’d do without you, Leigh,” Jack told me, and my stomach flipped—both at the praise and in fear.

Did he mean that simply as a gesture of respect? Or did he mean that because he wouldn’t be able to carry on his charade without my help?

I supposed I’d find out soon enough.

I finished drawing up the various employee proposals including my own and then sent them off for ‘Jack’ to look over. Or perhaps it was Bryce? That had been the name he’d used on his emails. I liked the name, but it could just be another fake for whoever was getting the files, some criminal accomplice or hired man.

The rest of the day passed terrifying fast and achingly slow at the same time. I didn’t want the day to end and take me to the conclusion where I’d have to be alone with Jack and figure out what his game was, but I also wanted answers immediately. It made me feel almost sick with nerves.

Rebecca noticed, her usual adversarial guard towards me dropped as she asked me kindly if I needed Ibuprofen or something. When I went to tell Bill about his promotion, he noticed it too, asking me if I was feeling all right.

“Just a bad lunch,” I lied to both of them. “I’m fine.”

When dinner rolled around, I double-checked myself in the bathroom mirror to make sure I was presentable. I would be going straight to the restaurant from work with Jack and I knew I didn’t have time to change, but I could still freshen up.

I hated that I still wanted to impress him, even after what I’d discovered.