Page 31 of Indecent Secrets

“Pity.” Jack lightly spanked my ass and finally moved off the bed. “Come join me in the shower. We have time before I have to go into the office.”

His voice was soft but it wasn’t a request. I did as I was told, finally taking the collar off, and joined him in the shower. As I suspected, he pampered me in there, washing my hair for me, scattering kisses down my neck as he soaped up my body.

This was something I couldn’t remember being so good, either. Most men just said great, thanks, would love to do that again sometime after the whole sex part was over. But Jack took care of me. He made sure that I was grounded and in the right headspace.

Even though I knew it was part of the deal, I couldn’t help but appreciate his efforts. “Thanks,” I told him, once we were getting dressed.

“For what?” he asked curiously.

“For… all of that, after.”

Jack shook his head. “No need to thank me. All dirty talk aside, Leigh, that’s part of my job as your master. I’ve seen how a submissive can crash afterwards if they’re not given that proper care. Being my pet doesn’t just mean that I use you or degrade you. It means pampering you, too.”

I could feel a blush crawling up my face and I quickly turned away. It wasn’t anything special, honestly. It was a guy actually being decent for once. But the way that Jack said it, his eyes on me and his tone so earnest… it felt like something.

And I didn’t want to feel anything. Especially for this man I wasn’t sure I even knew.

I finished getting dressed while Jack gathered up his laptop and his things. Since we both had our cars, he left for the office earlier than I did, so that he’d be there when I arrived and nobody would suspect anything.

I took the extra few minutes to snoop around the hotel room, but unlike last night, I didn’t find anything. Nothing that would indicate who ‘Jack’ really was or what his motives might be. Seemed he’d taken everything with him to the office. Damn it.

That left me with no choice but to go to the office myself and see what I could do with Rebecca guarding the door.

When I arrived—and got through security with just a slide of my pass card—I waved to Bill. “Good morning!”

“Good morning, Leigh.”

I stopped to chat with him for a few minutes to get the office gossip. Bill was eager to tell me everything that he knew. Apparently my asking around for ideas yesterday had sparked a flurry of interest. Some people were excited that there might finally be some meaningful change at the company and some upward mobility for them. Others thought that it was ludicrous to expect changes. A few more thought that if there were changes, Jack would claim credit for them in order to make his mark as CEO.

“Jack’s too humble for that,” I replied. “He admits he doesn’t know what he’s doing. That’s why he hired me.” I lowered my voice. “Just between you and me? He doesn’t even want to run the business. But he refuses to leave it in the hands of the board. He doesn’t think they’d do a good job with it, either.”

“Any idea what his options are, then?” Bill asked.

“I’ve given him a few suggestions but who knows if he’ll take them or not. He wants more time. I had to remind him that while we’d all like time we don’t usually get it. He needs to start making decisions.”

Bill shook his head. “I feel bad for the guy. He’s a fish out of water.”

“I know… at least he’s got Rebecca as his secretary. She’s a lovely person and she seems to really know the business. I want him to have good people around him. That’s how you succeed as a leader.”

“Well, don’t tell anyone I told you this,” Bill replied, lowering his voice as well. “But I think Rebecca wants to be more than just a secretary.”

I faked a gasp of shock. “No, really? I didn’t notice that at all.”

“Mmhmm. She seems to think you’re competition.”

“Me?” I scoffed. “I’m not looking for a ring anytime soon. My career means too much to me. It’s hard to find a man who can accept that.”

Bill, as I’d predicted, jumped onto the bait. “I think that’s amazing that you’ve built your whole company by yourself. I really admire it.”

“Aww, thank you. You’re so sweet. It’s really nice to hear that from a man.”

He smiled at me, and I had to work to hide my smirk. Got ‘em. “Have you considered moving to another department?” I asked him.

“I’d like to, but I’m not sure where I’d go. Reception is good but I think maybe the mailroom might give me the space to make more connections.”

I nodded. “Well, I’ll see if there’s a gap for you somewhere. They’re all getting rearranged up there, it’s like musical chairs.”

He chuckled. “Thanks, Leigh, I appreciate it. I can send you my resume if you want.”