Page 37 of Indecent Secrets

“Your uncle was a proud man,” David said, with a touch of admiration in his voice.

His father snorted, as if to comment that too much pride had been the man’s problem. From everything that I’d heard, I had to agree.

“I think that he did want to reconnect with his sister in his last years,” David went on. “But he didn’t know how without eating humble pie and he couldn’t really stand that. I didn’t want to press him to do anything but I did try to give him advice on things. I think this was his way of making amends, as much as he could. Like I said he was a proud man, and very stubborn.”

“Well, I’m really glad that he had you,” Jack said, sounding entirely sincere. “It sometimes—I know this is probably stupid but I feel guilty sometimes that I didn’t choose to reach out when I was an adult. To know he had people like you supporting him means a lot to me. I’m sure he really appreciated it.”

David’s smile was a little strained. “Yes, I did my best to support him.” His gaze darted towards his father. “We all did.”

“He had a funny way of showing appreciation,” his father muttered.

“He did,” David confirmed. His jaw ticked again. “But like I said, he was stubborn. You shouldn’t feel guilty about the things you didn’t do. As someone who worked with him very closely during his last few years I can promise you that he could be a very difficult man. He was charming when he wanted to be, and a gifted intellectual, very educated—similarly to you, I’m sure he would’ve enjoyed academia—but he was proud and he always liked to have the upper hand and be in charge.”

Was it just my imagination or did this feel very personal? I didn’t dare glance at Jack, just in case that would give anything away, but in the moment I didn’t care who he was or wasn’t. Bryce, Jack, whoever, I just wanted to drag him to a private corner and ask if he was getting the same undertone that I was.

“I mean, what can you do with an eccentric man, am I right?” I said, laughing, trying to cut through the tension. “I mean, I know what to do with them.” I winked playfully.

David, for some reason, looked like he’d swallowed a lemon. Oh?

Weston gave me a look that said he wasn’t impressed. “What were you hired for again?”

I kept my smile fixed on my face. Beside me, I felt Jack get a little tense, but he didn’t say anything and let me speak. I appreciated that. I could handle myself, usually. “I’m a consultant who helps CEOs bring their company to a new level, usually working with startups who want to make a public offering. I’m the one you call when you want to play with the big boys. Jack here is a bit of an unusual case, but since he’s so new to the world of business, he felt I would be helpful to him in navigating his new role.”

“If he keeps the new role,” Weston said.

I laughed. “Well, that’s up to him. I’m happy to consult. Whatever route the client wants to take, I can advise on. So if Jack wants to make a graceful exit and dismantle his whole company, well, I’m here for it.” I winked at Jack like this was a fun little in-joke.

Weston looked alarmed, and I put my hand on his wrist conspiratorially, leaning in a bit. “Of course, personally I want him to see what he can do to innovate the company as it is. I’m sure you have a lot of great ideas for that.”

Weston was now caught—he couldn’t say that he disagreed with me, or he’d look like just as much of a stick in the mud as Jack’s uncle. He also couldn’t say that he agreed with dismantling the company, which I’d made to sound like the opposite of innovating, so he just had to nod his head along.

I couldn’t help but feel a bit smug.

Our food was given to us in a multi-course meal, where we picked the sushi and sashimi off from the tray with our chopsticks or fingers. A peaceful silence finally descended as we ate and enjoyed the meal, only occasionally speaking to comment on the quality and taste.

David insisted on picking up the check, since he had suggested the whole thing. “My treat, my treat.”

I wasn’t going to object since I sure as hell couldn’t afford to eat here, but I thanked him profusely for how generous it was and told him I owed him lunch, just to cover for the fact that I was supposed to be a lot richer than I was with the job I pretended to have.

“Would you like me to walk you to your car?” Jack asked casually as we got up from the table.

I nodded. “That would be nice, thank you.”

We parted ways with David and his father, Jack helped me into my jacket, and we headed back to the office parking structure.

Should I dare to bring it up? But before I could, Jack said, “Did you notice anything about David?”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb, Leigh, you’re better when you’re on the attack.” He flashed me a knowing, predatory smile and my stomach flipped.

“All right then.” I took a deep breath. “Something’s going on that he’s keeping from us. About your uncle. I don’t know what it is, but he has this nervous tick in his jaw. You pressing about what your uncle was like upset him. Especially when you noted how supportive David had been.”

Jack nodded. “Would you say David wants to sleep with you?”

From anyone else, I’d be annoyed. But Jack sounded serious, like he was puzzling something out.

“I would say he thinks I’m attractive,” I replied. “I think he was less flirtatious than a lot of others. But you being there could’ve had something to do with that.”