The second orgasm was always so much more intense than the first, ripping through me like my body wasn’t even physical anymore, like I was a part of the orgasm instead of the orgasm happening to me.
I gasped for breath as Jack slid his hand off my mouth. The change from just breathing through my nose to having my mouth free made me dizzy and sent my orgasm to new heights, and I whimpered helplessly as my body was ravaged.
When we both finally came down from the high of it all, Jack released my wrists, his chest heaving as he got himself back under control. “Well. You certainly enjoyed that.”
His voice was a low purr, completely different from how he’d been at the party. I whimpered helplessly, watching him, knowing that I didn’t have the strength to fight him if he chose to do something more to me.
“Please, sir,” I whispered, trying to get a grip, to get my bearings. “I—I’m sorry—”
“Why are you apologizing?” A frown formed between his brows. “You were a very good pet just now.”
Pet. God, if I hadn’t come twice already I’d be squirming for an orgasm from him calling me that.
“You were trying to further your career and take the next step and I admire your tenacity and ingenuity,” he said, casually dipping his free hand down between my legs and slowly rubbing my clit, reawakening my body again. “Any woman who’s willing to have sex she doesn’t even enjoy deserves some praise, I think. It’s a sacrifice, more than most people realize, having sex that you don’t like.”
He lightly pinched that sensitive flesh between my legs, and I choked out, my whole body jerking. “S-sir—”
“Master,” Jack corrected mildly as he continued toying with me. “That’s what you’ll be calling me in bed. Because we will be having more sex. I do appreciate your consulting skills, don’t get me wrong. But what I also need is someone to help me feel in control. You had it backwards between us, pet.”
He rubbed at my clit faster and I bucked beneath him as a third orgasm approached.
“Everyone is going to try and take advantage of me and my inexperience. I’m going to have to fight every second to maintain control of what’s rightfully mine. So it’ll be good for me to have something that is already mine. Something I can have complete control over. A way to let out steam.”
Jack’s gaze on me was unrelenting as I shuddered and jerked from his ministrations. My mouth fell open and my eyes rolled back, ecstasy pumping through my veins as another rush of pleasure ripped through me.
“And that thing to have complete control over is you.” He smirked down at me, satisfaction in his eyes as I twitched and gasped beneath him, completely overwhelmed by his natural dominance. “You need a proper master. And I want a nice, obedient pet. This will further your career and help me to maintain the calm I need as I handle my new position. I think this is a win-win for both of us, wouldn’t you say?”
Oh God. I hadn’t been controlled and fucked like this in… ever. My heart hammered wildly in my chest and I felt like I could hardly get my breath even though I knew I could breathe normally now. That was amazing.
There was no way I was giving this up.
It looked like my plans had changed. I was still going to try and influence Jack Lawton to my way of thinking in terms of his company. I was just going to get the most amazing sex of my life while I was doing it. I saw no downside to this proposal.
I would just have to be careful. The man was smarter than he looked, and he already looked pretty damn smart to begin with. He was good at putting on a persona and hiding things from people, and he could figure people and their motivations out quickly. I would have to be on my toes the whole time if I was going to keep him from finding out who I really was and my real motivations for working with him.
“Yes,” I said out loud. “It does sound like a win-win situation.”
“Yes, what?” Jack prompted me.
“Yes, Master,” I said, sealing my fate.
Chapter 7
* * *
Christ. That had been fucking fantastic.
The way Leigh had writhed under me, her eyes wide, muffled cries leaking out from under my hand, her tits bouncing and her whole body shaking as I’d fucked her… I had just about lost my damn mind. She was the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life and the moment I came inside of her I wanted to get hard and fuck her all over again.
Already, the ideas I had for how to play with her crowded my brain, fogging it up and making me lose track of common sense. What a perfect little pet… just the right amount of feisty and obedient…
I couldn’t let this fun take away too much of my attention, though. I had to be smart about this. Having Leigh by my side would be helpful. She’d be loyal to me and me alone and I could use her to help further my spying to figure out what had happened to Jack’s uncle and who he might need to be wary of at the company.
Not to mention I had to keep an eye on her, too. She was a sharp and sly one. Was she really just in this to further her career? Or was there another motive?
I’d have to find out. I was sure I could fuck every single one of her secrets out of her in time, and I’d have fun doing it.