She wanted to have the courage to challenge him to do it. More, she wanted to go up on her toes and bite his lower lip and kiss away the sting. She nearly did it. She actually rose on her toes, leaning into him so her breasts pushed against his chest, melting into him, her nipples two hard, aching buds. If the sensation hadn’t been so acute, she might have succeeded, but she got stuck right there, her breath caught in her lungs, her pulse pounding between her legs.

Taviano took her mouth, somewhere between gentle and passionate. She wanted passionate and she went for it, kissing him back, her tongue shyly exploring, teasing his, dueling for a moment and then following his lead. She didn’t know much about kissing—there were never kisses involved before, there was never anything to ensure she felt pleasure—so every sensation was new and shocking to her. She savored every single one.

Flames seemed to course through her blood, spreading through her body like a wildfire out of control. “I believe you promised me something.” She whispered it, because she could barely say the words, but she wanted to experience everything he’d declared he’d do to her. She wanted it for both of them, but mostly to prove to herself that she could be a woman to her man. She could share passion with him. She could eventually make love with him. The horror of her past didn’t have to destroy her future with the man she loved.

He kissed his way over her chin and down her throat. “I did? What did I promise you, amore mio? I always keep my promises.”

Heart pounding, her fists clenched in his shirt, she closed her eyes, her head tilted back so he could kiss wherever he wanted. Little electrical sparks seemed to be dancing over her skin. She wanted more. She didn’t know anything could make her feel so alive and so feminine. His mouth on her throat, moving down to the curve of her breasts, made her feel as if she were a goddess and he was worshiping her.

“What did I promise?” he prompted again.

His chin nudged her top down, the bristles on his jaw scraping sensually over her sensitive skin, sending urgent demands thrumming through her body, straight to her sex. She felt the clench of need, a wave of desire dampening her panties and pounding through her clit.

“You said you would devour me.” She managed the whisper on a gasp as he suckled right through her bra. She couldn’t help cradling his head to her, his dark hair falling over her arm as she held him to her breast. She wanted more. She needed more. Her entire body was one living flame. “Taviano.” She heard the raw ache in her voice.

That scared her. She was all but seducing him. She was seducing him, begging him to take things further, and yet she didn’t know if she could really do anything with him. What if she couldn’t? What if she panicked?

Before she could pull back, Taviano was already kissing his way up her throat to her chin, and then he took her mouth. When he was kissing her, there was no way to think. It was impossible to do anything but wrap her arms around his neck and give herself to him. She was lost there, kissing him back, giving him everything she was. Every kiss seemed better, hotter than the one before, so perfect.

Taviano shifted her enough to slide one arm under her bottom and he lifted her, his mouth still commanding hers. He carried her so easily through the house, kissing her as they went, making her feel as light as air. She felt as if she floated through the house, his arms around her, his kisses transporting her to a world of pure sensuality—one she wanted to know intimately. One she wanted to live in with Taviano.

He had to hold her up when he put her feet on the floor. She clung to him, her legs feeling as if they were shaky. When she looked up at his face, the light coming through the windows shone on him and he looked like a fallen angel. His dark hair spilled across his forehead in sharp contrast to the deep blue of his eyes.

The dark intensity of his focused look when it settled on her upturned face shook her. He looked like sensuality personified. Every line in his face was carved deep with a sensual lust that bonded with the dark blue of his eyes, sending her heart racing. Her body went into some kind of weird meltdown. A thousand butterflies took wing in her stomach as it did a crazy slow roll. He could make her nipples peak with that dark intensity every time.

“I don’t know what to do, Taviano.” She only knew that she had to do something. He had to do something. Her body was so hot and uncomfortable, every cell inflamed—for him. “What if I can’t do this? What if I ruin everything?”