Nicoletta ran her hand up and down his thigh, and he realized she was attempting to comfort him. He was more upset by his mother’s statement than she was.

Stefano regarded Eloisa steadily with his dark blue eyes. “If you would feel more comfortable waiting somewhere else while we have this discussion, Eloisa, you’re welcome to wait in another room. I believe no one is using the den at the moment. I can check for you if this is too boring. I thought you would want to have this information, and I included you as a courtesy.”

There was silence following his comments. Eloisa looked shocked and then color swept into her face. She glanced toward Nicoletta again, opened her mouth and then pressed her lips tightly together as her gaze swept around the room. She clenched both hands into fists as she shook her head.

“I presume that means you wish to stay,” Stefano said, in the same low tone he used when discussing any business with the riders. It was a voice they were all very familiar with. He was in charge at all times, and he expected them to listen to what he was saying and remember it because it was important.

Eloisa nodded her head. This time she sent Nicoletta a poisonous glare.

Taviano threaded his fingers through his woman’s and brought her hand up to his mouth, deliberately kissing her knuckles while meeting his mother’s eyes. If she wanted a fight, he let her know it was with him or with both of them. If she came at Nicoletta, his woman wasn’t going to be alone. Not ever.

“Benito Valdez has four brothers. They aren’t as enamored with Benito as it first appeared. It seems as if he’s been bleeding them dry for some time. They make money, and he takes it away from them, claiming they have to pay their dues to him. A few times he’s gone in and taken some of their women, actual wives or partners to some of the men. That hasn’t gone over very well, especially when those women were later sold into a trafficking ring.”

Beside him, Nicoletta went very still. Taviano could feel her heartbeat hammering in her inner wrist. He rubbed very gently over that pulse, pounding so hard. Anything to do with Valdez was distressing. She’d witnessed firsthand how he’d treated the women.

Stefano noticed because nothing escaped his eyes. “Nicoletta, I’m sorry we have to talk about this man, but I feel it’s important for you to hear this. If it becomes too much for you, Taviano can fill you in later.”

She shook her head. “He’s vile, Stefano. Everything he does to women is vile.”

Taviano felt the shudder that ran through her, and he wanted to pick her up and carry her out of the room. He wished she didn’t ever have to think about Benito Valdez again.

“He has to be stopped. No one seems to be able to do it. He’s sold so many women and children into virtual slavery it’s unbelievable. Girls as young as eight or nine.” There were tears in Nicoletta’s voice. Her eyes swam with them, but she didn’t shed them. “If anything you say helps anyone in this room stop him, then I’ll sit through listening a thousand times.”

Emmanuelle looked up from where she was seated between Vittorio and Elie. She looked as if she might cry. “Well said, sorellina, we’ll get him. There is no way he’ll escape.”

Stefano nodded. “He can’t hide forever, Nicoletta. His brothers want him dead as well, he just is unaware of it. They sent the men they were certain were loyal to him and kept back the ones that are loyal to them. The brother that seems to be the appointed leader is in Los Angeles. His name is Tonio. His big dream is to have a reality television show and bring in all of his brothers from their locations. He thinks he can hobnob with the rich and famous and get a very wealthy celebrity to fall for him. He’s got his eyes on Velia.” He indicated his cousin.

Velia fanned herself. “I’m so flattered.”

“You should be. He thinks a lot of himself,” Marzio pointed out.

“The Ferraros have a network, and we can send someone to scout him out,” Stefano said. “That would turn their attention from Benito and anything that happens to him onto themselves and their future. We can drag out the production and decide later if we think it’s a good idea or not, but for now, it would deflect the rest of the Demons from continuing to come at Nicoletta.”

“I like it,” Vittorio said.

“Brilliant,” Giovanni agreed. “Turn the tables on them and have cameras on them twenty-four hours a day. I doubt they know what they’re going to be agreeing to.”

Taviano was watching Eloisa’s face. Even she was nodding as she considered what Stefano had said.