Taviano emerged directly behind Benito. Stefano was behind Benito’s first lieutenant. They were facing the other two men, whose faces she couldn’t see. Clearly, neither Demon had any idea they were in danger, but the Demons looking toward Benito and his lieutenant tried to call out warnings. It was too late as Ricco and Giovanni wrenched their necks in the signature kill, delivering justice.

Simultaneously, Taviano and Stefano did the same. Nicoletta’s legs nearly turned to jelly as she saw Benito go to the ground. He was gone. Really dead. Her worst nightmare. Emilio had his arm locked around her, and she turned into him and let him hold her for just a moment until she could get her strength back.

“These bodies can’t stay here,” she announced when Taviano came striding over to take her into his arms.

“No worries,” Stefano said. “I’ve called Uncle Sal. He’ll make certain no one ever hears from Benito Valdez or any of these men. Lucia and Amo will never have so much as one hair left behind on their property. You go on back to the penthouse with Emilio and Enzo. We’ll meet you there, and then everyone will leave in their respective vehicles.”CHAPTER TWENTYYou look so beautiful, cara,” Lucia Fausti said, reaching up to touch the delicate Italian lace making up the barely there neckline adorning her foster daughter.

An ivory silk sheath clung to every curve, accenting Nicoletta’s figure, giving her the look of a long-ago Hollywood screen star. She could barely recognize herself in the full-length mirror.

Hand-embroidered lace florets were scattered throughout a sheer duster of designer lace flowing to the floor and forming a train that fell with elegance around her, adding to the look of an ageless beauty. The delicate peekaboo cap sleeves were made of the same sheer Italian lace, with the hand-embroidered florets falling gracefully down her arms.

Her dark hair had been plaited into several intricate braids and then woven into a long chignon at the back of her head. She wore a tiara of chocolate diamonds, which matched the ones dropping in two chandeliers from her ears and those in the necklace that sparkled so close to the silk and lace of her gown.

Nicoletta turned away from the mirror to her foster mother. “I don’t even have the right words to tell you how much I love you, Lucia. How much you and Amo mean to me. You saved my sanity, my life. You gave me a home when I was so messed up, I didn’t think I even deserved to live.”

She stepped close, inhaling the fragrance of orange, caramel and mandarin she associated with Lucia. That scent would always mean home. Reaching out, she framed the older woman’s face with her hands and leaned in to brush both cheeks with a kiss.

“I love you so much, Lucia. So much. I want you always to be close to me. I told Taviano we have to live near you and Amo. Wherever you decide to retire—and I know you’ve spoken of going to Italy—we’ll follow. He’s promised me, and Taviano would never go back on his promise.”

Lucia had tears in her eyes, but she shook her head. “We can’t cry on your wedding day, vita mia. We aren’t going anywhere. Taviano has already offered us a beautiful home on our retirement and a chance to help you when you have your babies. I don’t want to miss out on the chance to spend time with my grandchildren.”

Nicoletta looked over Lucia’s shoulder to smile at Amo. Her heart actually ached she loved them so much. There was no way to repay them. They had been the ones to teach her what true unconditional love was. “Did you notice she said grandchildren? In the plural. I think there’s a conspiracy.”

Amo nodded solemnly. She could see the sheen of tears in his eyes as well, but he didn’t shed them. “Of course there is a conspiracy, vita mia. You are our heart and soul. You always will be. We are so incredibly blessed to have you in our lives, an unexpected gift that came when we had given up all hope. You brought joy and laughter to us. You brought a brightness we hadn’t known in years. Thank you for that. And thank you for allowing us to love you.”

Nicoletta didn’t care about the very carefully applied makeup Sasha had spent an hour on. She burst into tears and flung her arms around Lucia. Amo came close and hugged both of them tight. They clung to one another for a few minutes, the tears turning to laughter.

“What are you doing?” Emmanuelle demanded, coming into the room. “You can’t cry on your wedding day. Isn’t it bad luck or something? I’m certain it is. In any case, you’re going to have to pull it together fast because Grace is right behind me and she runs a tight ship. You’ve only got a few more minutes with Lucia, and then she’ll be sending her straight into the church.”