“I have to get out of here. Let’s go for a walk.”

Nicoletta took his hand without hesitation, her heart going out to him. She could feel Stefano’s distress. It was overwhelming and very genuine. Anger. Sorrow. He reached for Taviano’s hand and pulled him up as well and then turned away from both of them toward the elevator, already texting those in the other room to let them know they were leaving and that Taviano was all right.

Nicoletta and Taviano followed Stefano onto the elevator. She couldn’t think of a word to say to break the uncomfortable silence, so she just stood as close to Taviano as possible to offer him comfort. She knew he had never wanted this—his brother to know what had happened to him. It was obvious that he knew—or at least guessed what it was that had triggered Taviano’s flashback. They walked straight through the lobby of the Ferraro Hotel out into the coolness of the night and turned toward the businesses that made up a portion of the Ferraro territory.

“They sent you away while I was gone for training. I wasn’t here to stop them.” Stefano made it a statement.

Taviano didn’t reply. He kept walking, but his fingers tangled with Nicoletta’s. She glanced from his set face to Stefano’s. They looked so much alike they could have been twins had they not had an age difference between them.

“I knew something was wrong, but you wouldn’t tell me when I asked. I shouldn’t have stopped asking, but the more I did, the more it felt like I was driving you away from me.” Stefano shook his head. “Sometimes, Taviano, I despised them so much. I looked at all of you and saw these beautiful, intelligent children deserving of parents who loved them, and what did you get? They couldn’t be bothered with even tucking you in at night, let alone looking after you. I never should have left. I’m so fucking sorry that I did.”

Nicoletta’s heart nearly stopped. If Stefano actually cried, she didn’t know what she’d do. He sounded like he was either going to weep or kill someone. She’d rather he kill someone. He was the Ferraro family.

“Stefano,” Taviano said gently. “You keep saying we deserved parents. You deserved them, too. You gave us the best of everything we ever had. You don’t have anything to be sorry for. Anything good in my life, I have you to thank for it.”

“Who was it?”

“They’re dead. She killed them.”

Stefano walked for nearly a block. “They? More than one. Fuck, Taviano.” He spat the last two words out and then walked to the corner in silence. “At least she did that. Why wasn’t I told?”

“Phillip wanted me gone. I was an embarrassment.”

Stefano swore in Italian, a long litany of so many colorful phrases, Nicoletta couldn’t possibly keep up with them all, nor did she think it was a good idea that she try. She just kept walking with the two men until Stefano had gotten his temper back under control. She knew it was be angry or cry. Stefano’s love for Taviano was more than that of a sibling. He’d practically raised him, although he’d been a boy himself. He was crushed and trying to do what was best for his brother in spite of his own pain.

“He threatened to leave unless she sent me away. She wanted to continue to be a rider. She made a deal with him. They wouldn’t tell you and I would stay, keeping out of his sight, and she would continue as a rider. Phillip could do his thing and no divorce.”

Stefano’s face looked like thunder. “Dio, Taviano, it’s a good thing she isn’t here at this moment. I would strangle her with my bare hands. Had they sent you away, I would have found you. I hope you know that. I never would have stopped looking for you. Fuck them. Damn them both to hell.”

Nicoletta knew it wasn’t helpful, but she couldn’t stop herself. “No counseling, of course, because you might ask questions about why your little brother needed to go into counseling.”

That brought more swearing, and she glanced up at Taviano to see if he was angry at her.

Stefano’s phone buzzed. He dragged it out of his pocket and looked down so furiously that at first the text didn’t seem to register, but then he passed his phone to Taviano.

“It’s from Rigina,” Stefano explained to Nicoletta. “They have the exact location of Benito Valdez and his crew. It’s not that far from here. Apparently, they were close, did a slow circle and came back. If you don’t mind, I would very much like to take this one. Actually, I very much need to take this one.”

“How big is his crew?” Taviano asked, handing back the phone.

Nicoletta hadn’t seen the location.