“She forgot her cash,” Taviano pointed out with complete complacency. He grabbed the largest slice of pizza left, just in case the little monster he was married to managed to put away several slices to his one.

“Sorry, hon, no cash, he’s gotta stay.” Tito sounded regretful, but he winked at Taviano as he turned away.CHAPTER NINETEENOnce back at the penthouse, Nicoletta and Taviano took the same small couch they’d been sitting on before. Taviano liked how comfortable the sofa was, but mostly he preferred it because he could sit very close to his woman and shield her when he felt she needed it. Stefano had the fireplace going, the logs burning brightly, giving the room a soft glow that hadn’t been there before. He rarely remembered to switch on the flames, not unless Francesca was around. Taviano knew his older brother had done that for Nicoletta, just to make the room seem more of a home to her.

Nicoletta had come to Stefano’s penthouse often, especially in the last two years. She trained there in self-defense, and she was very disciplined about keeping her schedule. She didn’t miss a single class. As she progressed, the family had scheduled more and more classes with her, and she had managed to make every one of them. After, she would often stay and play with Crispino and visit with Francesca, so she was very comfortable there.

Taviano thought those times, just relaxing with his siblings and especially his in-laws, helped bring Nicoletta closer to the family. She smiled more and even laughed at Crispino’s antics. She had always liked the fireplace on, and when Stefano would light the flames, telling his son not to go near the grate to keep him from harm.

“We’ve come back to discuss some things that I think are extremely important for all riders,” Stefano said. “I trust everyone has had dinner and is comfortable? Eloisa?” He looked to his mother.

She nodded. “Henry and I had a lovely dinner, thank you, Stefano.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t always say things the way I mean them. Clearly, when I spoke earlier, Nicoletta, I upset you. I am happy that you carry such strong Archambault genetics, but I didn’t mean that all you’re good for is to have baby after baby. I know it came out that way, and I’m sorry. Henry says I don’t think before I speak, and he’s right. I have no social skills.”

Taviano nearly fell from his seat, so shocked by his mother’s explanation he could barely comprehend what she’d said. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one. Looking around the room, he saw his brothers, cousins and the other women were equally as stunned.

Nicoletta sent Eloisa a small smile. “Thank you for that. I certainly have no intention of being the family broodmare, although I want children.”

“I’ve already spoken to Marcellus Archambault in France,” Stefano said. “About a half hour ago, Nicoletta. He’s reviewed all the videos of you. I told him, although I haven’t had the chance to tell everyone here, about you stepping up when the two Demons turned their guns on me.”

He paused, and Taviano knew he wanted Eloisa to realize he had really been in danger. Her head went up alertly.

“There was no shadow for me to hide in. Taviano was too far to reach one of them. At best, he might have gotten to the other. Nicoletta was outside, watching, where we told her to stay. She picked up a rock and threw it using a method one might for skipping it on a lake, but so fast it actually whistled through the air. The first struck one, and a second rock came right on the heels of the first, striking the other gunman. Both rocks were thrown with deadly accuracy. Not only did the sound distract them from shooting, but when they were struck, they both turned away from me.”

Stefano glanced up at Taviano. “Had you ever seen that before?”

Taviano shook his head. “No. I was a little shocked that not only could she think that fast, but she could throw rocks that fast.”

“My father, meaning my adoptive father, taught me to skip rocks from a very young age. He could make them whistle when he skipped them, and I loved it. I practiced until I had it down.” Nicoletta gave a little shrug as if it was nothing.

“It was fast thinking,” Stefano said. “Very fast. That was one of the things Marcellus was most impressed with. Not just Nicoletta’s reflexes or the way her body reacts in the shadows, but her overall ability to adapt to every situation.”

Taviano’s heart suddenly dropped. “He wants her to go to France, doesn’t he?”

“Stefano,” Emmanuelle objected. “No. She’s ours. He can’t just demand she go to them because she has their blood. She’s Taviano’s wife. I hope you told him that. They’re already married. We’re planning a wedding, but they’re already married.” She was adamant.