“What’s wrong?” Her eyes were wide and frantic as she searched the room.

I glanced up at her, still processing the shock. I held up the pregnancy test. “I’m pregnant.”

Her jaw dropped. “What?”

I looked back down at the test in my hand. “I can’t believe I’m pregnant.”

“Well, you only used a condom once and had a lot of sex that week,” Elise pointed out, fighting a smile.

“I know how it works, thank you very much,” I retorted with a scoff. “But Jameson said he pulled out the other times.”

Elise laughed. “Sometimes when you’re caught up in the moment, you forget. Just like you forgot to use condoms all those times.”

I rolled my eyes. “We use condoms now.”

“Well, looks like you don’t need to anymore.”

The shock was wearing off, and fear was starting to take hold. “How do you think Jameson will react?”

She shrugged. “He’s a pretty chill guy. But most bikers don’t like to be tied down, so I don’t know.”

We’d been doing the long-distance thing for about two months, and although it wasn’t ideal, it was better than nothing. We’d drove the nine-hour drive one time, then decided it was better to take turns flying to see each other. It actually ended up being cheaper since we didn’t have to pay for gas and hotel every weekend.

“We can’t raise a baby like this,” I stated. “One of us has to move.”

“Well, I doubt he’ll move here. He has to be near the club,” Elise replied.

“Ugh,” I groaned, running my hands over my face. “Stupid biker rules.”

I wasn’t in love with Seattle. I liked it, but I missed the sunny, warm weather of Miami. I had a job at a small bookstore, but nothing that I couldn’t leave. Moving to Laughlin wouldn’t be the worst thing except for leaving Elise.

And being closer to my dad.

Whatever Jameson’s dad had done had gotten the cartel off their backs. And they hadn’t found me yet either.

I still lived with the fear that my dad would find me one day. I wasn’t sure if he was still looking, but if I lived with Jameson, I knew he and the Forsaken would protect me.

And my baby.

Elise rubbed my back. “What are you going to do?”

I shook my head, eyes stinging from the swell of emotion. “I don’t know. I want Jameson involved in our baby’s life.” Placing my hand on my belly, I looked down at it. “I don’t care where we live as long as we’re together.”

“Maybe you should talk to him first,” Elise suggested. “You never know, he could go nomad.”

“That’s even worse. He’d be on the road all the time bouncing between clubs. Plus, I don’t want him to leave his family.”

“Yeah. Well, either way, you have to talk to him about it.”

I sighed. “I know. I’m seeing him tomorrow. I don’t want to tell him over the phone.”

“I’m so glad his asshole brother didn’t knock me up. I can’t believe I followed your advice better than you did,” Elise teased, crossing her arms over her chest.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, well, you’re going to be seeing a lot of him when the baby comes. He will be their uncle, after all.”

“Ugh,” she groaned, grimacing. “He was amazing in bed, but I can’t get over the fact that he drugged us.”

I smacked my tongue. “Yeah, that sucked.” Looking down at my stomach again, I smiled. “At least something good came out of it though.”