I went back out, and Elise was drinking another mimosa. Jameson brought me a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. “Thank you,” I said, smiling warmly at him.

He kissed me again. “My pleasure.”

Elise brought me another mimosa as well. “Damn, you must have some fine pussy because that man is whipped.”

I frowned. “What? No, he’s not. He’s just being courteous.”

I sat down and took a bite as she said, “That boy is in love.”

I almost spit out the sip of the mimosa I’d just drank. “No, he’s not. We just met.”

Elise giggled. “Haven’t you heard of love at first sight? He can’t even stop looking this way.”

I glanced up to see Jameson looking at me with a warm but sad smile. I focused on my food. “Girl, shut up and eat. We have to get back to our room.”

After we drank and ate, I stood, and the room started to spin. I stuck my arms out to balance myself as nausea washed over me, and I saw Jameson walk toward me with a concerned look on his face. “Hey, are you okay?”

My vision started to blur, the dizziness and nausea worsening. I felt myself falling, but Jameson caught me. The last thing I remember before everything went black was Jameson yelling, “What the fuck did you do, Raleigh?”

When I woke up, I wasn’t in Jameson’s hotel room anymore. I was in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar house.

I tried to sit up, but both my wrists and ankles were tied.

Panic filled me, and my heart pounded as I tried to figure out where the fuck I was and what was going on.

I attempted to call out for help, but a gag was tied around my mouth.

Oh my God, my dad’s men found me.

My eyes stung with tears, and my chest tightened as I processed what was happening. I couldn’t remember anything after Elise and Raleigh came to Jameson’s hotel room.

My mind raced with questions. Where was I? Did my dad’s men hurt Jameson? Did they take Elise too?”

I had to get out of there.

I wriggled and squirmed on the bed, trying to loosen my restraints. But then I looked down and noticed I was zip-tied.

Shit.Zip ties were almost impossible to get out of. Or at least that was what I’d heard when watching true crime documentaries.

The door opened, and I stilled, waiting to see my kidnappers.

Jameson walked in the room, a stoic expression on his face.

My brows furrowed as I tried to speak around the gag, but all that came out were unintelligible mumbles.

His eyes softened. “I’m sorry, Lucia.”

My eyes widened. How did he know my real name?

He sighed, sitting in a chair in the corner. “I bet you’re really confused right now. I’m going to explain everything.”

He was right. I was confused, pissed, and hurt. Even though we’d spent only two nights together, it had really meant something to me. I’d felt … something between us. I’d thought he’d felt it too. Guess I was crazy to think a hot guy like Jameson would be interested in me.

So much was running through my mind. Did my dad hire some bikers to find me instead of his own men so that I wouldn’t expect them?

I thrashed against my restraints, trying to scream, but silenced by the gag.

“That’s not going to help. We’re in the middle of the desert.”