“The girls are on the move, and they’ve had a change of plans.”

I arched a brow. “Oh, really? Good or bad for us?”

“Good. They’re heading straight to Vegas now. They’ll probably be there around midnight.”


I could hear the confusion in his voice as he responded, “I thought this would be good for you. The quicker, the better.”

I cleared my throat. “Yeah, I guess it is. Raleigh and I were heading to Vegas to have a little fun before they got there, but I guess we won’t have time now.”

Nodin chuckled. “Well, I don’t know what your plan was, but I doubt they’ll be accessible tonight anyway. After an almost twelve-hour drive, they will probably just crash at their hotel.”

“True.” I took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a drag. “Thanks, Nodin. Let me know if anything changes.”

“No problem. Before I go, will you let your dad know I’ll be crashing there for a couple of days once you take over?”

“Sure thing. See you soon.”

When I ended the call, I took another drag.

“Who was that?” Raleigh asked.

After blowing out the smoke, I replied, “Nodin. He’s been tailing the girls, and he said they’re on their way to Vegas now. They’ll arrive around midnight.”

Raleigh’s brow furrowed. “Are we grabbing them tonight?”

I shook my head. “Nah, I think we should wait until tomorrow. They’ll probably just crash after that long of a drive.”

“That might be easier,” Raleigh pointed out. “We could take them from their room while they’re asleep.”

I scoffed, then hit my cig again. “Without causing a scene?”

“We could drug them,” my brother replied with a shrug. “Then they wouldn’t wake up.”

Sometimes my brother didn’t think things all the way through. “And what, we just throw them over our shoulders and walk through the lobby?”

“I don’t know, but what if they leave tomorrow? Then we miss our shot, and Dad will be pissed.”

I chortled, letting the smoke flow out my mouth. “I’ll take my chances. We can’t go into this rushed, or we’re more likely to make mistakes. We can always catch them in the desert if we miss them in Vegas.”

Raleigh held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, but if things go to shit, you’re taking the blame with Dad.”

I rolled my eyes and took one last hit of my cigarette. “Don’t I always?”

“Fuck you,” my brother replied playfully with a smirk. “Are we going or not?”

I started my car. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”

Driving onto the Vegas Strip was an experience in itself. I was glued to the window as I took in everything. I’d never seen one street have so many amazingly designed buildings or lights. It didn’t even feel like night because the street was so brightly lit. It was like Bourbon Street on steroids. “Oh my God,” I whispered in awe.

“This is insane,” Elise agreed. “There are so many people.”

It took us a ridiculous amount of time to drive to our hotel. We had to stop several times to let crowds of people walk across the street.

Elise wanted to be right in the middle of the action, so we booked a room at the Linq.

When we finally parked, Elise exhaled a breath of relief. “I thought we were going to be stuck in the car forever.”